Sometimes scientists contradict themselves and I love that. There was a time, some scientists claimed that milk produced by GM cows would solve the problem of milk allergies. Another group of scientists said: So guys, what do you think of all these scientific advances? Would you buy milk produced by a GM cow?
I'm not in support of genetically modified food. You just never know what's in it, foods were meant to be grown naturally. Ever since we started messing with our foods the amount of behavioral disorders and allergies has skyrocketed, I try and eat as healthy and organic as possible.
No, I would not purchase GM meat. Society is already suffering from meat infused with hormones. So, this will be just another 'thing' that'll mess up the human body.
GM has its place in the world I reckon but, it shouldn't be for food. Plus, we pro ban;y shouldn't really be drinking cows milk anyway. I'm not saying I don't, I love a bit of ice cold milk over my cereal and a drop in my tea but, as far as I know, we are the only mammals that drink the milk intended for another animal's young! Now when you think about a woman breast feeding a dog or a cat being milked by a baby goat, it just doesn't seem right does it Lol!
I am a scientist by training and my honest input is that gm cows should be relatively cheaper to acquire, thats in the later stages of dissemination of the technology. The problem comes with feeding and adaptability to the environment since unlike their traditional counterparts, they require special care making their maintenance more expensive in the long run.