Has anyone else come across this little secret I just recently found? There are people who upload their own workout videos online to You Tube. You can find just about any type of exercise on there and not have to buy a DVD to do so. I've found Yoga, Aerobic, Stretching, Weights...if only I could find some of the original Buns of Steel videos from the 90's. Those were the best. Well, excluding the bad music. LOL Anyone else do this?
Yes! I have a few different playlists I have set up on my YouTube account for workout videos! It is nice because you can customize your own workout for length and intensity by combining different videos into a playlist. I usually do the Refit Rev aerobic videos because they have a variety of different songs and levels of intensity, plus the girls who put them together seem to have a lot of fun while they are dong it! Doing it that way means you have to click past the ads between almost every video, but it also gives me a little bit of a breather break between songs too.
This is a great idea! I made a point to find one specific song we did in Zumba class awhile back, but I didn't save it to a playlist or anything. The kids really enjoyed trying to dance along too, maybe I should make a workout playlist we can all do together. May I ask how to make a playlist though? I watch YouTube videos all the time, but usually just the new videos from my subscribed channels.
It's not too difficult to make a playlist, but you might want to find the videos you want first to make it easier. On the left side of the YouTube screen, there is a menu with a "Playlists" option. Click on that, and you can then click on "New Playlist." You can designate it as "Public" or "Private." Once the playlist is set up, click on add videos, where you can either type in the exact video URL you want to add, or search for new videos to add. Another way to add videos is to use the "+ Add to" link on each individual video's page, which is located below the user ID and above the comments section. This lets you pick which existing playlist to add it to, or you can add it to a new playlist. You can edit playlists at any time, so if you don't like the order, you can change it around and delete or add videos too!
It's good to see a few workouts online, however, it's best if you really have someone guiding you. Exercise isn't a joke. You can actually get hurt or injure yourself. Someone needs to guide you because you need to do workouts in the correct form and posture. If you're doing a workout incorrectly, then there will definitely be no result for your body. What's then the point of working out?
I agree, form is very important in working out, so it's very important to listen to your body for any aches or pains that you aren't supposed to be having. That being said, fitness videos on YouTube can be a great tool to discover new workouts, and learn more about fitness in general. There are several YouTubers doing these types of videos, so its also important to carefully choose which ones to follow, I would suggest looking at the more popular channels, since they are more popular for a reason. And usually, if they have better quality videos, and really guide you through the workouts properly, then you're more likely to get the best results.
Rather than buying those workout DVDs, I use YouTube as my workout guide. There's really plenty of video workouts that you can select. I only choose those video that I know I can do and won't hurt me or break my bones. You should at least know your own limits. I always starts with the beginner before going to advanced workouts.
I use YouTube sometimes just workout ideas. I usually workout at home and sometimes I get too predictable to what workouts I do. So it's good to just get some new types of workouts to freshen things up a bit. I have even seen some P90X videos on Youtube, (though it will probably get flagged for copyright).
Aside from the DVD workouts, there are a lot of channels that have original workout content. So even if the DVD ones are flagged, we still have some sources to work out to. The internet is now full of information about a lot of things. I have yet to start my workout playlist though. I have not thought of that before. I should get on that.
I do this all the time. You are right that you can find all kinds of work out videos. I love to do the Walk Away The Pounds videos. I also use YouTube to find strength training videos . I was so excited when I was able to find Walk Away The Pounds on YouTube and that I did not have to buy a DVD. Many of the videos are older versions but I don't care.
Yes I do go to You Tube when I feel like exercising and there are so many workout videos to choose from. I don't even buy workout videos at the store like I did before. I have always been into workout videos and I still love working out to them today.
Youtube is really reliable in a lot of thing, but not all the time. If what you need is there and if you think that with the video uploaded there you can make something out of, then make the most of your Youtube experience. Learn from that site.
Oh yes I do that also. I tend to work at home and due to tight schedules going to the gym is just way out of the question so I tend to just stick to what I can find online which for the most part is pretty spot on and useful. I recommend Fitness Blender.
I've also followed Shaun T's series of aero excercises on youtube. This is pretty much the easiest way since I don't have to locate any cd's or dvd's. Just pull up the playlist and you'r ready to go. I had it going great until our internet went very slow. So I saved some of my playlist on my hard drive and still continue to find other interesting workout videos.
I do for sure! My favorite are the Jillian Michaels and XHIT Daily. They have great videos. Intense workouts that get the job done. I get to be in the comfort of my own home and I have my little daughter workout with me too so it's fun! It's so easy and you can search the specific type of workout you need to do an it'll come up with a ton of videos for that search. It's just the best well rounded way to work out I think.
I haven't tried them myself but my sister does so and she is in great shape actually. I'm more keen on apps as I don't want to disturb my sleeping son when I'm exercising lol. But yes, YouTube workout videos are also well known and a few people I know use them. It's free and it works, so why not? I think that as long as you have a healthy regimen and try to exercise daily, just watching and trying workouts on YouTube will be a big help to you.
This is a great idea, if I didn't use P90X I would probably use them as well. Anything that gets people moving is a step in the right direction though, and these videos make it easier to put together a good workout.
I always mean to search for workout videos on Youtube but when I work out I forget always. I have used some workout apps and they work nicely, but they always teach the same exercises! I think Youtube videos would be more creative!
You should definitely look up the videos. You learn so much about human movement, and the variety of workouts that one can do. The great thing is that there are lots of different channels too, so you are getting a vast amount of information. I have gotten many workouts from not just youtube but from tumblr too
I think you can find a lot of great information about nutrition and workouts on Youtube-also its one of the places you can get some good ideas about alternative and outdoor workouts as well - one that I have been watching lately is the Banshee Moon Channel. It shows a girl called Farm Girl Jen working out alot in the outdoors and on her farm, which gives me some great ideas about workouts that you can do outside with your music and other exercises around the farm or your house as well.