Agreed. Best place for that is Hawaii. Unfortunately, they get storms and tornadoes so even then, other problems to worry about.
I rather be too cold then too hot because I love the cold a lot. I really hate sweating with all my heart. That is why i plan on moving to a cold state when I finish college. Louisiana is way to hot.
During the daytime, I'd rather be too hot. Once I'm acclimated to the heat, I can handle an awful lot without discomfort. At night, I'd rather it be cold, because the one thing I can't do when it's really hot is sleep well.
It's almost summer down here and lately it's been ranging between 30°C and 38°C during the daytime. That, combined with very hot and humid air, makes it feel like it's somewhere around 45°C some days. It's crazy. I definitely prefer the cold, especially during this time of the year!
In general, I would probably say too hot. But if I'm sleeping, I actually rather be too cold because it is much easier to fix. I can't sleep if its too hot! And I like putting on lots of comfy clothes and snuggling up in lots of blankets.
If I have to move around and do things, I would rather be too hot, because when it's too cold, I tend to huddle under the blankets and have no energy to get up and do things around the house. When it's too hot, I can just do my chores and yard work wearing fewer clothes, but when I'm cold, I'm useless. If I'm just sleeping, I'd rather be too cold because I would just have to pile on more blankets.
I'd rather be too hot. I actually enjoy warm to hot weather but if things get a little bit too hot for me, I'll always have my air conditioner .
I would rather be too cold. I personally cannot stand extreme heat. Even during the winter I enjoy it being cold while I sleep. I love piling on the blankets. In the summer, we have our AC going constantly.
I would rather be too cold. At least then I can put more covers and layers on to warm myself up. Once I am too hot and it's 90 degrees out, I am miserable and cranky and I can not cool off unless I step inside a freezer somewhere.
I live in a sub-tropical city and get so sick of the humidity in summer. We get heavy rain which is cooling while it lasts but then when the sun comes out, it's more humid! I agree with people here who say they sleep better in winter. It's a treat at the moment to even have a sheet on let alone a blanket!
We've had cold weather this last couple of days (with temperatures ranging between 15°C and 25°C) but now we seem to be having another heat wave. It's so freaking hot and humid right now that it's even hard to breathe! I can't stand it.
I achieve more when it's cooler because I have more energy than when it's hot but it depends on the percentage of humidity. I can put up with 40C heat that's clear more than 30C when it's high in humidity. I've lived in sub-tropical for fourteen years and still can't adapt to it!
I prefer being too cold. I hate being over heated, its the worst thing in the world. I want to live in a cooler place, since ohio can get a bit hot sometimes and I absolutely hate it!
I would have to say HOT. I prefer summer, not the winter time. This winter has been way too long for me
Too cold for sure! I've always been a hot person (that doesn't sound right, lol). My husband likes keeping the heat on all the time during the cold months and I would be completely happy turning it off more often and controlling my heat with clothing and blankets etc. I always thought money problems and communication issues were the biggest problems in a marriage, but a hot person married to a cold person is the hugest challenge I've been faced with yet, lol.
I would much rather be to hot. I hate the cold weather. And ironically we live in northern Michigan. So there are alot of chances up here to be to cold. I hate being cold because I have joint pains. And the cold air makes it ten times worse. I also have a condition called hypothroid. And it makes it very hard to stay warm and keep my cirrculation going. So in the summer time I cannot get enough of the sun. And I love going to the beach and just laying in the hot sand. The hottter the better for me.
I prefer cold, I came from a hot country to im sick and tired of it. I find it uncomfy as well when your sweating and too hot. So I always go being cold.
I'm not a Summer person, therefore, I would rather be too cold because I love Winter. One reason is that Christmas falls on Winter season, which is one of my favorite holidays. I cannot sleep if the weather gets too hot during the summertime, and I always have a hard time surviving hot weathers.