A few weeks back I stumbled into something about people who dress freaking so well but can't afford to buy their food. Or maybe they don't want to and instead opt to use food Stamps because they get them. According to the writer even well-to-do folks use food stamps at times but try to act like they don't. The writers scenario:Doing some research on the net, I realized that most people, even those who have to use food stamps are embarrassed to use them for some reason. That's why you'll find some of them asking questions like if Amazon accepts food stamps so they can buy their groceries without wishing they were invisible. If you were in a situation where you'd have to use food stamps to get by, would you be too embarrassed to use them?
I would highly doubt that someone who is wealthy would be on food stamps. Maybe someone who USED to be wealthy, and suddenly lost it all maybe and in that case I would think they would be very embarrassed to use food stamps at the grocery store. If I was in an area where there were alot of other people using it I wouldn't be embarrassed but if I wasn't, I probably wouldn't want to use it lol.
I have been on EBT, or "food stamps", before, and i wasn't embarrassed at all. I was working a minimum wage job part time, and the little bit of extra money, like $32 a month, was definitely appreciated. So many children in this country would go hungry if it weren't for SNAP benefits like EBT. There is really nothing to be embarrassed about. The system is there for a reason, for people to use. And for those who think that people abuse the system, the most you can get per month is $189, which is not really enough to survive on. And anyway, who cares what other people think? If you value the opinions of others, you become their slave.
I go in the store like a champ, and spend food stamps like money, I have no shame in spending them as long as my family eat.
Food stamps represent money in the form of stamps, there are families that need to have the help because the jobs they work do not pay enough to cover all of the bills. It is important as a nation that we keep our people healthy so if it takes using food stamps to do that then right on. There is no need to be embrassed about using food stamps in the store for food and with the new cards who really knows it is for food stamps, I didn't for a long time.
I would never be embarrassed to use food stamps. Food stamps are for people who can not afford to buy their own food. Their pride should not be that high when they are getting free food. Food Stamps come on a card like a debit card so its not that embarrassing.
When I was pregnant with my daughter and had to stop working for a little while because I was getting too far along to work standing on my feet, I was on food stamps for a few months. People on food stamps nowadays have a couple of perks that I didn't know about 16 years ago when I was using them. For one thing, you can use coupons with food stamps, to make your food stamps go further. For another thing, if you're in a store like Walmart that also has a garden section, you can use your food stamps to buy herb plants, potted vegetable plants and fruit trees. I witnessed a woman buying a jalapeno plant with food stamps. It scanned as a vegetable. So instead of getting jalapenos one time, that lady has jalapenos forever.
I would never be embarrassed for using food stamps because I would not use them if I didn't need to. There are plenty of people that need them and would starve without them and there is NO shame in asking for help when you really need it. There's also no reason anyone should judge anyone else for using them if needed.
I would not be too embarrassed to use them because if I was in the position to need them I would be so grateful for them I would not even think twice about the opinions of others when I use food stamps to pay. I also agree with other posters who said that food stamps are a form of currency, what does it matter how people pay as long as they are paying. I also don't particularly care what other people think of me, not in an aggressive way just more or less I know who I am and go about my day minding my own business and if someone else has thoughts about it there is nothing I can do.
I'm going to have to go against the tide here: I would be embarrassed to use SNAP. This is not a judgement toward those who LEGITIMATELY use the SNAP program (because Lord knows there are many who do not), I just would be embarrassed using it myself. I'm not sure if it's the stigma alone or how I have always felt about the system. When I was a child we were on the ACTUAL food stamps and we would get the horrible government cheese and powdered milk along with the stamps. I decided after that time period in my life I would never be in that position again. I have not been in that position since, knock on wood.
I think that's a good attitude to have. So many people work hard and really need the extra assistance, I'm just amazed that if your working part time they would give only an extra $32 dollars. Yet like you said any little amount would be appreciated.
I am not embarrassed about still having food stamps but I am ashamed of myself that I have to rely on others to take care of me. Does that make any sense? I guess what I mean is it's not the food stamps itself, it's just that food stamps are a symbol of how much I am a failure and I wouldn't be embarrassed if I had an actual job.
These aren't available to us in my country but if they were then I think I would be a little embarrassed to use them, I have to admit. Although, I'd try as much as possible to just get over it because if I ever needed it enough to use it regularly then I'd know I'd have to deal with it a lot of times and it isn't very practical to keep feeling bad about it. I'd just try my best to get myself in a better position as soon as possible so I wouldn't have to deal with using it for very long, but I believe there is no shame in having to rely on it when you're down on your luck.
Personally, I wouldn't be embarrassed, because I don't think really anyone is going to look at you any different, because I'm sure they see it every day. It's a way to get by with the way things are today. There are so many children and adults that would starve if it wasn't for SNAP, so I don't see a problem with it as long as it isn't being abused in some way.
I finished collage about a year ago and still haven't found a job, so last week I got my food stamps card. The first time I used it I felt really weird. I grew up on a working household, my mom is a teacher and my dad worked on a factory. I always expected to earn my money and of course I feel uncomfortable about not being able to get a job. I understand it's not just me because the overall unemployment rate is high, but I still don't like depending on someone else for help, the same way I feel when my parents help me. I feel like I don't deserve it.
Food stamps aren't heard of here at all, but if it were, then I think I would have no problem using it as long as I am alone and I don't have company when I use it, lol. Because I think it would be a bit embarrassing if your friend saw you use that, it just goes to show how "financially challenged" you are.
Oh heck no! Food stamps are paid for with taxes & every sice they converted the previous method of using the booklets, no one really knows but you and the cashier. Too bad I can't them though. I make a lilttle too much according to the Government. I say my stands for J-ust O-ver B-roke
No, not at all. If food stamps were available in my country I would swallow my pride and go get the food supply for my family. Unfortunately, we don't have those here. From where I come from the government does not feed the people. It's the other way around. I would have no issues if food stamps are distributed to only the legally indigent ones. I am OK if some of my taxes go to those who are deserving. In a country where more the majority of the population is in poverty, I don't think it will ever happen in my lifetime.
I don't mind using food stamps. There is nothing to be ashamed of for using food stamps. As long as it exists, it's meant to be used. I don't care if people look at me like I'm an alien as long as I get to have food for free. I think it's dumb to be confounded by pride and wastes great opportunities to save on money.
I get really annoyed when some obnoxious moron in line starts making cracks about people using food stamps. We all pay our taxes into these programs, so if someone has been working for 10-15 years or so, then suddenly needs to go on food stamps for a brief period of time, they've already paid in advance for that from their own pockets - they're not "stealing" someone else's money. The other thing, that really boils my blood, is how little we all actually pay into the program, so there is no need to bitch about it so much. A person making $50,000 a year only pays about $36 *per year* into the food stamp program. I can't stand it when people want to get on a soap box and start demonizing those using food stamps as thieves and freeloaders, as if they are taking all their money or something. It's classism coming from people who are middle class themselves if that, and are brainwashed by too much Fox news garbage propaganda, and really have no business acting like snobs in the first place. Many of them are living in McMansions they can barely afford themselves, and could easily be financially ruined if some catastrophe disrupted their lives too. It's the same thing with cell phones, they make cracks about how a person has a smart phone but is using food stamps. Hello, it's 2014, not 1994. Many people have given up their land lines, and instead rely on cell phones. That money they were paying for a landline they are now using to pay for cell phone service instead. Not to mention many top of the line phones drop down to only $50 or free within a few months, so even if someone has an iPhone, they may have gotten it towards the end of it's life cycle for free or next to nothing. It's like some of these snobs are annoyed now that their little status symbol smart phones are becoming more common place, and they don't look so special with them anymore. There is no point in getting some flimsy featureless old fashioned clam shell phone, when you can get something like the MotoX or last years iPhone for free. Then there is clothing. So what if someone is dressed nice, you have no idea how much they actually paid for it. I can get Nautica and Polo shirts that normally sell for over $75 each for under $10 at the Dillard's outlet store near me. Same thing with those brands dress pants and shoes. No, I didn't spend $400 on my outfit, I probably spent less than $60 for everything. If you've got a flair for style, you can make the cheapest clothes come together as a nice outfit and look like you spent much more.