I'm sure at least a few of you fine folks have desk jobs, and I bet they completely eat up time that you'd rather spend exercising. I don't sit at a desk, per se, but my work does compel me to sit in one place all day at a computer. Do you have any equipment or exercises that help keep you limber while you're at work? Share your techniques with the class. The best I've got is a little pedalling device that I ordered online. Slip your feet in and you can bike pedal for as long as you please while sitting at a desk. It doesn't offer a ton of resistance, but it's still more exercise than flat out nothing.
It's really hard to find something to do while you're working at a desk job, but it is important to get something in. I know that they used to have that little belt thing that would exercise you while you sat. They had those things that you squeeze between your thighs while you sit. There are a few little things that you can do at your desk that won't be too noticeable while you are at work.
I like the idea and I have tried in a few times. For some reason for me it just doesn't stick, since I am wearing work clothes, can be interrupted and a number of other issues. BUT I do make an effort to change the way I get around work to stay fit, I'm in a 6 story building that I have to travel in so I refrain from using the elevators as much as possible
When you want to stand a bit while at work, then Figure Twister is the best way to get exercise while standing. It's cheap too. It targets your arms and waist. Here's how it looks like:Log In
For a while, my husband's company had walking workstations. Basically it was computer station set up by a treadmill, so you could log in to the network and walk while you worked, so long as the work was computer-based (which everything was). He loved it and signed up to use the workstation daily. Unfortunately, there just was not a lot of interest in it, so the company did not renew the lease on the workstations.
It is hard to get some exercise when you have to sit at a desk for hours. When I worked in a building I would walk to work to get in some exercise since I knew it would be awhile before I could get out again and I would take the stairs in the building when I had to go from one floor to the next, it helped to keep the weight under control.
Stretch your arms, legs, neck and torso while sitting. This will help prevent you from feeling stiff.
I consider myself pretty lucky to have a job where I get to move around and stay motivated to do so. I guess that is one of the benefits of working with young people is that they are certainly active, and it keeps you moving and on your toes. It is one of those situations where you might as well make the most of it and get your workout in, save some time and save some money.
There are some exercises which may be executed whilst sitting at the desk: deep breathing, arms and feet stretching, side to side movements affecting the arms and upper body.Although these tasks may seem rather simple, they can be very useful in enhancing energy levels.
We have a light treadmill and multipurpose weight machine in our office and both office workers and repair shop workers use them in the morning and in the afternoon. I don't think it is practical, though, to use them during breaks as what some people in the office do. Well, personally, I do stretches from time to time and during my lunchtime, I usually try to do long stride walking to help me relax my calf muscle but I do have a gym membership to take care of my most intense routines.
Yes, you should work your exercise into your everyday routine, because it does make you more productive at work. I would try going for a run during your lunch hour,or work some exercise into your daily commute-and instead of driving or taking the bus, you could hike or walk to work, if you live close by to your work. Also if you live to far from your work, you could get off the bus at an earlier stop and then walk the rest of the way as well.
Working out while working behind a desk doesn't work for me as it will surely take my attention off the job at hand. However, I can easily incorporate exercises during breaks which are ample and frequent. We have fifteen-minute snack break both in the morning and afternoon, a one-hour lunch break, and restroom breaks in between and we can easily convert these breaks into something beneficial. Walking to the restroom is an exercise itself and one can do stretches for a minute or two. The lunch break provides a bigger opportunity to work out as one can take power walks for thirty minutes or so. I do feel though that I already get enough exercise after work and I would prefer to instead use more breaks to take a nap or relax in order to survive a grueling day at work.
A nephew who is working in a multi-national company in Hongkong told me that they have a mini gym in the office so the employees can do a short workout to combat the static nature of their work on the desk, in front of the computer. But I don't think it is a good idea for the gym takes time of the employees. It's better if a gadget like a hand grip will be provided or maybe enforce a rule not to take elevators when going to less than 5 floors.
This is one of those things I love to do, as I figure might as well double down if I have to be there anyways. It never really works out all that much though, but some times it does and it is nice.