Wonky Vegetables (for Uk)

Discussion in Food & Drink started by Beast_Titan • Aug 16, 2017.

  1. Beast_Titan

    Beast_TitanActive Member

    Dec 24, 2016
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    USA is now selling cheap, safe and environmentally friendly vegetables with Perfect Produce. You know the online stores that sells deformed ugly but fresh vegetables but those stores are only for the US.

    UK have a very expensive cost of living. Vegetables and fruits there are very expensive in the UK. deformed fresh fruits and vegetables are originally left to rot despite of being fresh and safe to eat just because they don't have pretty shapes or they are too big to fit inside those packages.


    That carrot is rejected for having two legs and the zucchini got rejected for being too long and having a weird shape. They are now sold cheaper but they if you dice them ,peel them and cook them, They will have the same taste and nutrition with the pretty veggies. I decided to share this to the UK members because I know how overpriced the produce there. These deformed veggies are cheap because you buy them direct from the farmers.
  2. Cabaline

    CabalineNew Member

    Sep 5, 2017
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    Thanks for the share! I have always thought that it was ridiculous that perfectly good food would be wasted for not having a uniform shape, it's only natural!
    I have heard that some places in the UK are thinking of opening 'food reject' stores where big supermarkets can donate their rejects and then customers can just pay whatever they like. I think it is a really good idea and I would like to see it catch on. For people in dense cities or for people who live in dangerous areas, it's not easy to get down to farmers markets etc so it would be nice for them to be able to access organic and natural produce.
  3. Beast_Titan

    Beast_TitanActive Member

    Dec 24, 2016
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    If these fresh vegetables will be left to rot, they will add to the greenhouse gases to the earth and global warming will get worst. They are safe to eat and they were only rejected for flaws that you won't notice once you cooked them. They are also pretty cheap and the purpose of this forum is the save money. These produce are cheap even without coupons.