This is a debate which has been raging on for more then a decade. Both OSes has its set of pros and cons. And when a person goes out to buy a personal computer,, this is the choice he dreads more then anything. For instance, Mac is a highly refined and easy to use OS and where as windows has more ragged edges. Using a mac restricts you inside the Apple ecosystem. So, what OS do you guys use.
This debate has been on so many forums but it all depends on the practicability of what the user wants to do with the OS. If you are going to need it for multimedia, then I would say that you should go for iOS but if you need for just daily activities with no much hassle then Windows is the way to go. It will depend on what you like
There was a certain point in time that you would have been able to say that apple wins hands down, but not anymore. That time has passed and it is safe to say that windows has really done their part to catch up and bring some sort of great customer service to the plate. So i would recommend windows 8 to anyone out there who is having a tough time making a decision.
It really depends on the user, no OS is better than the other. I've used both Mac OS and Windows and to be honest with you, I see no difference, I mean sure they are different, but when it comes to productivity, they're just the same. Although I would go for Windows, since its much more flexible when it comes to softwares and hardware compatibility compared to Mac OS, also I am a PC gamer and gaming in a Mac, as powerful as it is goes, doesn't have that much games, and by games I mean real games not apps. But again, it depends on the users personal preference, a long time Mac user would say Windows suck, and a long time Windows user would say that a OSX sucks.
This debate will never have a clear winner. OSX is the way to go if you are looking for a clean, user-friendly OS. Windows is definitely the way to go if you are looking for an OS to suit your gaming needs. This will also heavily depend on what you're looking to spend on a computer. Best of luck.
I'd choose Windows any time owing to the fact that there are millions of software that run on windows but are not compatible with any other operating system. Of course Windows has some security issues [or at least the XP version, which I'd been using did] but I'm sure they've made a number of upgrades to minimize the risk of getting you system infected, etc. If I were to switch from Windows then I'd install Winutuxu because it's remarkably similar to Windows XP.
Windows all the way! MacOS was superior a couple of years ago, but now Windows has caught up and overtook it. If I wanted an alternative OS, then I would go with some Linux distribution. Linux has still a long way to go, but in my opinion it is the future of computer operating systems.
Windows always and forever. Always used Windows since 3 and I never liked Macs much (our school had them).
I like the way apple has built their OS. It looks really nice and seems sturdy. The one and only reason that I stick with windows is that I have used it for so long. I have gotten so used to being able to open my computer and being able to explore my C drive. Not being able to browse through my program files seems bizarre to me; this is why I could not make the jump to a mac!
Both OS are two of the best things that ever happened in the world of technology ever and i love them both really. However I'm more into Windows because I'm more used to it and it just feels home to be using it compared to using OS. Windows is user friendly and i love that there are so many things you can download for free that are designed for Windows platform. The windows interface is not bad either. So yes, I'd choose Windows over OS anytime of the day.
I usually prefer windows over os as it is very comfortable to use. Windows has been my best friend since the time I started using it. I prefer to use Windows and I am currently use Windows 8. I have always used windows and really liked it.
One time I went to a music studio to make a song with my sister, and my cousin in law, and there was this back room, where people would sit and use computers whilst waiting for their turn in the studio. It was sort of like an internet cafe? So I walked in and they seated me at a computer. I noticed that it was a Mac, but I didn't think that it would be too hard to use. But I just could not use it. Even the mouse was really awkward to use. I prefer windows all the way.
I don't have any experience regarding the OSX so I'm not going to be a hypocrite and say that it's better than Windows. I'm going to stick with the Windows OS because it's the only operating system that I have ever used, except for maybe a minuscule time on Linux and Ubuntu when I tried them quite a few years back. Windows has really come a long way from its humble beginnings to the powerful OS that it is today, partly because it needed to remain competitive with Yosemite. I'm not really a fan of Mac OS's ecosystem. Thought I gotta admit that Yosemite's user interface is goddamn pretty. Windows also gives me more flexibility when it comes to choosing programs that I want to install on my laptop. I'm extremely picky when it comes to my programs and Windows is really doing a great job for satisfying my insane picky-ness LOL!
I also have little to no experience with Macs over Windows, but all of the people that use Apple Mac often say that it is way better than Windows. I know that it seems natural that these people would say that, through bias, but most of these people have experience with Windows, because Windows seems to be the most universal operating system. I have heard that Macs don't get infected with malware and viruses as easily as Windows too. So I have been that macs are better just based on that alone.
I've been using Windows my whole life and it's naturally what I lean towards. I know that if I want to do more intricate things I may need a Mac (or at least osx). I only really used a Mac a handful of times and I always get frustrated when I use it for work. My friend has a Macbook and I use it from time to time for simple web browsing but besides that, I think I will always love Windows.
I would choose Windows over OSX any day. I just have grown too used to Windows, and while I have used OSX in the past, I don't like it. Windows, to me, is just much easier to comprehend and use.
I also prefer a Windows pc as compared to a MAC, because it's cheaper and it's more compatible with a lot of games and programs. MAC seems to be too expensive for lesser functionality in my opinion.
It would really depend on your laptop, because if you are using an Apple you'd rather want to use the OSX that came along when you bought it. And I knew someone who tried using an OSX to a regularly Windows-run computer, it didn't work out that well, primarily on the keys, but of course he could have just bought a key designed for the Mac. OSX is designed for a quite advanced computers, in terms of hard ware, so they wouldn't really work well with those old ones. About me, I have personally tried them both. Before, just recently, I have been using a Windows-run computer. Now I'm using a mac and experiencing how simple it works, how convenient and how productive I have become, I could say that I would choose it over Windows. It's just perfect in my opinion, or has less flow when compared to Windows. It far more simple. Everything is just right there, not to mention its stunning interface.
Everything depends on the purpose of the person concerned. Issues such as the importance of the increased availability of software or security inherent in the system do count. If the goal is to have a system compatible with as much software and game releases as possible then Windows, undoubtedly. If the goal is to have more stability and security, Mac; whenever the user is content with software library in its ecosystem.