Omega 3 fatty acids is in deed the most commonly talked about food when healthy food is mentioned. The good fats they are called.. but where do you get them? Sea food mainly. What do they do? These are also called heart food and prevent heart diseases, they also prevent cancer, reduce inflammation etc. Sounds like the food that we really need these days - doesn't it? Get your omega 3 from sardines, salmons, halibut, flax seeds, walnuts, soy beans, tofu, shrimp etc., Yes, you could take a couple of cod liver capsules or fish oil capsules of any kind, but including these foods in your diet could make your healthier and your diet tasty.
I prefer to take the omega 3,6,9 in a capsule. I find my body really works better when I take them. I just don't think I could actually eat enough to put down all the food required to get in all the nutritional value that the capsules give. Besides it is a lot less calories.
My mother takes capsules of omega 3 as well, and they smell and taste just like fish. Personally, I find it more convenient and cost-effective to make myself a tuna fish sandwich every so often. To double up the effect, I use olive oil (also omega 3 rich) instead of mayonnaise in the fish.
That is a good list of Omega 3 sources Maddie. When I was pregnant I kept walnuts on hand to make sure I was getting it because you have to be careful with fish. I don't remember soy beans being a source, but I was eating plenty of tofu and edamame (love edamame) so it's good to know. I need to get some more walnuts!
I get my omega-3s by eating chia seeds. I also add them to my protein smoothie. I also eat sprouted flaxseed bread. They are both loaded with omega-3s.
I don't think you need to supplement with omega-3 if you are minimising your omega-6 intake. That's what matters, the ratio between omega-6 and omega-3. Vegetable oils and processed food is loaded with omega-6 and this skews the ration, that's the problem. Flax seeds and soy products are very bad for you. The two worst foods for phytoestrogens.
Thank you for this reminder! I got away from taking Omega-3 capsules but I may need to go back to using them since we do not eat seafood often. I think it would help with getting pregnant as well as just improving my overall health.
We keep hearing so much conflicting information about soy and flax or chia seeds. I am personally sick of the research that goes backward and forward each time.. Most have vested interests backing them.. I eat natural stuff and like to get my micronutrients from natural food sources. I don't take pills unless I have too. I do love Tuna and olive oil.. an easier way to get omega three... anti-aging food at its best.
I take a fish oil supplement daily. I think it is really important for a number of reasons. For one, I don't really like the taste of fish so I don't get a lot of it in my diet. Moreover, I also struggle with depression and find it helps (in combination with exercise and cognitive behavioral therapy) stabilize my mood. Also, I just find my skin looks much healthier as well.
I have stopped paying attention to the so-called latest research. This week it will be one thing that is good for you and in six months someone will come along and say "no wait, we were wrong about that," or vice versa. We all know that the reality is that some company has paid for the study just like with drug trials and medical research. The results are always slanted in their favor. Tuna concerns me because of mercury, but I love olive oil. Just recently someone (not a doctor or nutritionist) tried to tell me that cooking with it caused cancer. (Even though there is more than one kind.) We all know that if that were true there'd be a lot more sick and dying people in the world.
Chanell, That is absolutely true.. where I live the doctors say no red meat, or even too much meat ... they advice to keep meat consumption to four times a week as it causes constipation, colon cancer, obesity etc., and everyday on the internet I hear arguments to the contrary.. Coconut oil is said to be a no,no where I live and yet my country is one of the top producers of coconut.. the lobbies and the vested interests make each God given food seem like poison.. Moderation even if it is good for you is the best path to adopt as far as I am concerned.
I do take a omega 3 fish oil supplement on a daily basis. I do think it is important to include fish in your diet as well. However, I personally just do not like the taste of fish so supplements are quite important for me. I do try to include flax & walnuts in my diet quite often.
Fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6 are present in the tissues and body fat. The Omega-3 fatty acids have an important heart protective effect. My main intake of this important compound proceeds of chia seed. Chia is perhaps the herbal substance that higher concentration of omega 3 can be found in nature. Ideally, we should take omega 3 in fish, as did our ancestors for millions of years. We should eat a diet rich in fish, seafood and free pasture cattle, and even what some doctors and nutritionists suggest.
Thanks for the reminder...this was a good little list and omega-3s are very important to include in your balanced diet. I try to get a lot of mine from seafood, as I really enjoy it anyway, and prefer to go with food over supplements whenever possible.