So there are a plethora of reasons why each person goes to the gym. These can range from general well-being to building more muscle mass. For the most part, an active lifestyle is very beneficial to improving ones health. Gym goers have many aims though, to becoming stronger, getting bigger, getting leaner or even just stress relief. Many people have incorporated the gym into their lifestyle such that not working out feels strange. So why do you go to the gym? I would imagine most people would say for health.
I go to the gym, first because it's really fun. Come on! I don't go there to shed off some fat. Instead I like the sweat that it gives me and also the pressure. So, yeah, that's my reason why I go to the gym. I think if we think the fun that we will experience there, we'd be more motivated make our daily presence there. The pressure would only come during the time we are at the climax of our exercise.
I don't actually go to the gym anymore. I used to attend a crossfit gym locally, but money is tight so I stopped. However, I am continuing on my workouts of the day at home. The whole reason behind why I workout is to give my body what it needs. Lord knows I'm not doing it because it feels good at the time lol. It is painful and exhausting and not fun, but I feel like I have to do it for my body and even for my mental health. Working out really helps with the mental aspect of things, I have found.
I'm one of the unfortunate people who have to do something to stay fit and in shape, that's why. Plus I love food, I can't be bothered with diets. I'm generally happy with my weight, but I want to stay at a certain weight, and also tone up. I'm not looking to gain rippling muscles or a six pack, though. Because I'm petite, I can't be too thin or too fat; and that can be a very fine line. I like going to the gym for motivation and inspiration, too. I did try working out on my own at home to cut down on costs, but that doesn't quite work for me and it's not as fun.
I go to the gym so I can actually focus on my fitness and just close myself out to everything else going on in my life for an hour. When I workout at home, I just get distracted way too easily or I'm not really focused on the workout. In the past 6 months since I've been going to the gym regularly, it's helped me get in a better daily routine and it's just something I always make time for in my day. It's also just more fun when you're working out with other people or having a workout buddy. It's extra motivation to keep working hard and get more out of the time you're working out for.
To be honest, I want to lose some weight. I gained a lot of weight in college (blehhh) and I would LOVE to get back into my high-school-cross-country-running-shape. I also want to feel good and healthy and I'm sick and tired of feeling icky all the time, you know? Plus it's nice to be able to walk up stairs or up the hill without dying
I go to the gym to maintain my weight, and during the holidays when I've eaten a lot (which cannot really be avoided, of course). It's healthy to keep a balance between the amount of food you consume, and the amount of calories you need to burn off during the week. This kind of lifestyle makes me enjoy eating and drinking the bad stuff. For example, I don't drink a Venti Frappuccino from Starbucks if I know that I won't be able to burn it off within the week. It takes the guilt off drinking all those calories up somehow.
I go to the gym because for months I've been living pretty much indoors all day. Before I used to study and I walked and took the bus so I kept pretty active. After 6 months of sitting all day my cholesterol and sugar levels got a little higher so I joined a gym. I also moved to a pretty dangerous neighborhood after collage so walking around alone like I used to do isn't a good idea and my apartment is so small it's hard to keep active here. The gym seemed like the only solution to being active again. So the short answer is I do it for my health.
I find this question extremely good. The first time I stepped in a gym was about four years ago, maybe more than that and the reason why I did that was to lose fat, but I went to the gym only during the summer holiday and I did't diet eighter so you can imagine that I spent my money poorley. Then, in 2012 i went back, willing to do the proper things in order to lose weight. So I actually did it. I've lost a lot of fat in a very short period of time, but I have realised I've made a terrible mistake. I was working with weights then I did some cardio for a half an hour at high intensty, but I did't eat much at home which led me to a catabolic phase which means that my body was forced to burn muscles in order to get energy. I took a break in 2013 and in 2014 I went back to the gym decided to build some muscles and I succeded. I had to eat a lot and I was working very much. Now, in 2015 I want to get rid of the fat that I stored on my body during my bulking phase. Now, I can't picture a day without going to the gym and eating healthy. It has become a lifestyle for me that I'm proud of.
I think my answer is different than it would have been 10 years ago. 10 years ago vanity was my sole purpose of working out. I wanted that "rock solid" body. Now a days, it is purely because of how it makes me feel. I am a better, happier person from it. Before I would stress out if I wasn't able to get my 60 minute workout in 6 days a week. I feared I would become "small". Now I don't stress out over something as minute as that. I workout usually 30 minutes per workout, 3-6 times a week, and am perfectly happy with the results. One of the perks of leaving your 20's is you become less vain.
I go to the gym, first because it's just a hard core fun. It's really fun to try out some equipment that I'm not able provide myself at home. Although I'm only good in the treadmill, and that's the only thing that I enjoy really most.
I go to gym because I want to have a healthy body and good heart. I always wanted to have that 6 pack of abs LOL. I love fatty foods and exercise helps to regulate and burn the fats in my body. It also look good if you have fit and good body aside from that it boost the immune system and helps the body fight sickness.