In everyone personal opinion, which do think is better either a Mac computer sofftware or HP computer software? If you think Mac is better than HP give a reason as to why, and give the price differentials between the two. Me personally, I tend to lean towards the Mac computers, although extremely pricey the Mac computer software is much more efficient and durable. Not to mention, that Mac computers don't get viruses at all, but the downside is the compatiabilty. What are some of your opinions on this? I have heard that software on HP is comparable with most documents and is much less of a headache to get software, again I ask what is your take on matter?
Why are you asking specifically about HPs? In general, the question is usually "Mac or PC," in which case, yeah, they're pretty comparable. Hewlitt Packard is a pretty crappy brand, though, and I would never recommend them at this point.
Jessi beat me to it. Why chose HP brand to represent PCs. I also don't like HP computers. I have never used a Mac, but I do know that Mac users are extremely dedicated to Macs. I prefer to use a regular PC. My favorite PC brand is Lenovo.
I've used both, one at the workplace (mac) and the other at home(PCs) and out of the two, I would opt for macs any day. Apple macs were the first computers I first laid my hands on when I first began using computers. They are efficient, user-friendly, look very smart and extremely reliable. Okay, I am saying all that, keeping in mind the problems I usually keep having with my PCs and laptops, which hey, aren't that bad either. I get by but given a choice, I'd opt for macs.
Generally the question is Mac versus PC, which is stupid since a Mac is a PC that runs a very specialized OS. I mean in all honesty everything else is effectively the same. Further Macs do get viruses, they just have fewer made for them because it makes more sense to target the more popular PC. As for software because Macs can run the Mac OS, Linux, Windows, et cetra there are in fact quite a lot of software you can use on your computer. However, Mac-specific software is expensive and somewhat limited in scope. Therefore I prefer PC.
Good point Esperahol! A PC is a personal computer and Macs are personal computers. I have both HP and Apple computers and I prefer HP because parts are cheaper, batteries are cheaper and you can customize it a whole lot more than Macs. There is more software for HP computers too. I like my macbook, but the repairs are so expensive!
I have a Mac desktop and I absolutely love it. I only want Macs from now on. I had a ton of problems with PCs and absolutely none with my Mac - zero! No viruses, it doesn't freeze on me, no blue screens, nothing. I've had it over 3 and a half years now and it hasn't slowed down, I haven't had to buy more memory, or anything. I have a lot of pictures and videos too that take up a lot of space. As for compatibility, I'm not sure what you mean exactly. If you mean to send word documents or things like that, you do have to to to the print save as pdf file to send those, but it's super easy. It's just like saving a file. I think they are well worth the price.
You get no viruses because apparently you aren't downloading everything or visting some seriously suspect sites. You get no freezes or blue screens because Apple assumed you wanted the basic project rather than a platform for l33tness. You don't need more memory if all you have is pictures and videos versus lots of programs and associated program files. As for compatibility - some things work with the Mac OS, lots of things work with Windows, some things work with Linux, et cetra. Compatibility means that a program or file source is capable of functioning with or within the frame work of the Operating System. It also means you really shouldn't have to make a pdf just to print. However, if something works for you then that is all that matters. This is why different companies exist afterall.