The other night I was watching TV clips from the 1990s and it struck me how horrible the picture quality was then now that many of us are spoiled with our HD TVs. It got me to thinking about where we will be in 20 years from now. What are your predictions?
Just like there are people now who live poor but will spend $100+ on cable services, SmartTVs will upgrade and people will make crazy sacrifices to get one. Other electronics will get smaller and become affordable. I was watching a bootleg DVD I got from Amazon and saw where the videos from the 1990s were pixelated and the audio was horrid. Yet, as it got closer to the 21st Century, the content was easier to enjoy.
I think less cash will be used (as it already is) and people will have to use cards. In regards to media, I think few newspapers will survive, it will be traditional ones and free advertising ones. That's a shame as I like magazines and papers, but they aren't as profitable as they used to be. The same as television, more shows are now streamed and many go to DVD to make more money. People no longer follow series weekly, but watch them in one go because they know they can.
I hope that cash never goes away because it is so much easier to keep track of than credit and debit cards. You can budget much better with cash most of the time. I think we will also get to a point in which cars will drive us instead of us driving them.