When Someone is Giving You "the business"

Discussion in Off Topic Discussion & General Questions started by jneanz • May 9, 2014.

  1. jneanz

    jneanzActive Member

    Apr 4, 2014
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    This is my grandmother's polite term for bs and I have seen it on many levels in my short life. This has nothing to do with a consumer product but another party using you to get ahead in some way.

    We all have heard about that person that would make a wonderful mate/spouse. They look good (or at least decent). They can cook and clean. Dresses nice. Zero or only one kid. And the ultimate...they want a better life for themselves and believe in honest, hard work to get there. Reality is they are hell to deal with on a personal level or have other issues that don't even make them good dating material.

    I'm in college with a certificate in Marketing completed and debating about going further because this semester has been rather hellish. Anyway, one of my preferred professors tells me about a new class that his friend is teaching but needs students. It wouldn't count towards my degree but I figured social media is always changing and I might get some straight answers about things like Google Penguin.

    Anyway, this instructor writes enrolled students that she has all these contacts in media and film so it's real important to not miss days. Okay. Then the instructor says she knows of an internship. Then there's an opportunity from some guy who works on Glee about working on a play about surfing. Unlike my other classes, she makes students sign a contract promising that they will do their very best and watch video excerpts and answer questions (this had nothing to do with social media apps). Then, her directives are never complete and students often find themselves doing things over.

    Once again, okay...but then something occurred to me.

    This is a new class with no track record and no proof that students will have the skills to work on a professional capacity for any company, let alone some tempermental Hollyweird type. Secondly, L.A. is not like New York where plays are guaranteed to be a hit (except for shows like Wicked, The Vagina Monologues or a Tyler Perry play). Personally, I'm not sure about a Romeo and Juliet story based on surfing would be a good play, maybe an Ira Reichtman comedy. Finally, this lady seems to really be smelling herself because he communication is on the bossy side.

    I'm tempted to jeopardize my financial aid for the final year by dropping but....
  2. J3NN4


    May 1, 2014
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    Hmm, my boyfriend is all of those things. Dresses nice, cooks/cleans, no kids, he's in school part-time to better his career, and also working full-time. He's definitely a great spouse. =/ Not really sure what the rest of this has to do with that, though?

    I'm confused about why you would drop? You're going to encounter people all the time that you may not like, or might BS you, but if it's something that'll jeopardize your college career or your financial aid, tough it out. I've had a lot of professors that I didn't really like, and knew they were lying about their accomplishments or how well known they were, but all I needed them for was a grade.
  3. jneanz

    jneanzActive Member

    Apr 4, 2014
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    The mate and my class are just comparisons. I think I may have rambled a little but this is not to say there is no perfect mate. What I'm saying is that when a person is given a "hard" sell about a person or product, there is usually something big omitted intentionally. In this case, I have other classes I'm doing well in but because this class is disorganized and it's affecting my grade and stressing me a little, I'm tempted to drop...but probably won't LOL.

    Nice that you found someone that makes you happy.
  4. LindaKay

    LindaKayActive Member

    Apr 15, 2013
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    No, there is no perfect mate. If someone doesn't seem like the right person for you, then I would hold off. Someone will come along.

    And I wouldn't drop out of school if I were you.

    ACSAPAWell-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2012
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    She is comparing the teacher to one of those boyfriends who looks good at first. The teacher looked good at first but has all these personality problems that are making life hard for her students.
    I still don't think she should drop out because her financial aid is too important to lose over a flaky teacher.