Some PC software costs mere dollars while other programs might cost hundreds of dollars. What's the most you've ever spent on a PC program? I know a lot of us have probably purchased Microsoft Office, which is often around $100. Has anyone purchased something more expensive like PhotoShop or something else?
At this point, yes, technically PhotoShop is what costs me the most. For years, I had a copy of it that I had gotten from a friend. Unfortunately, now they're a subscription-based program (you can't just buy it outright any more). And I have to have the most recent versions for my work, so I pay monthly for it and it really adds up.
It's probably Boujou. That thing cost $10,000 not kidding. It's a match moving software it's really expensive now obviously I didn't bought it myself it was for our team but my God that thing was really expensive.
For me it's Photoshop. But it has definitely earned what I've paid for it. So all in all it was a good investment. Paying for software is supporting the developers, which means more and more updates. Any software you use is worth its price.
I'm guessing Windows 8, if that counts. I also bought an older version of Photoshop a while ago, but I think it was cheaper than Windows.
Wow are you serious? You guy's manages to purchase Boujou at full price? That's really expensive. Do you think it's worth the $10,000? As for me the most expensvice software I've purchased was a copy of Windows 7 for my PC. I was about to say Photoshop but I got mine for free when I purchased my Wacom tablet.
Same here, it's Windows 7 for me as well. I usually ask my brother to install all other softwares I need for my PC and these are usually hand me downs as he upgrades his PC and softwares.