Don't think too much ! Just share what's on your mind at this very moment ? Right now I'm thinking of my dinner ...
I have a lot of things on my mind right now as to how to make the kind of money online to take care of myself. Do you have any suggestions because if you do fill me in on some ways to make money, real money that is. I also think I worry to much. Any suggestions as to how to stop so I won't be stressed out all the time?
I have a ton of things running through my mind all at once. I am worried because I have to move soon, and since I just went through a separation, this is going to be the first time in a long time that I am going to be living alone, well with my kids and me alone anyway. I am stressed about finding an apartment, and having enough money saved. I am thinking about Christmas coming up fast, and my 30th birthday. I am worried about how fast time flies by, and I am annoyed that I never get time to myself. I am wishing that I could do more, do better. I am scared, I am sad, but I am excited. I am all twisted up inside. How's that for what's on my mind? And I think that is not even half of it... Lol!
I have making money on my mind and how to get it by this spring. I do a lot of surveys and I just want to know how to make a lot of bucks each and every day because I don't mind working so I can have our family house remodeled and all the trees removed from the property coming up this summer. I can't seem to get that kind of money to do those things, so we can enjoy it for reunions with all the grandchildren in the summertime.
All I could think about is how to make money online. Does that sound strange? Apparently not! Lots of people have the same thoughts, I suppose. :d
Well I also have the same thing on my mind right now, I'm thinking of more ways to earn money online, because my goal is to have passive income thru the internet so that I can enjoy the rest of my time pursuing my other hobbies.
Right now, I'm thinking about my summer trip to Brazil. I am very much exciting about the trip. It's been a long time since I have taken a vacation. It's on my mind just about all the time.
Apart from the negative stuff, I am thinking about spring. And getting my motorcycle on the road. Where I am it is right now all out winter, snow, icy roads and cold temperatures. But last year I was back riding in March. So apart from any negatives that run through my mind, I am thinking of spring and my motorcycle and getting it on the road again. Ryder13
Like you, I am also thinking about dinner. I pretty much know what I'll be eating - leftover spaghetti and meatballs. Now I just need to get off my lazy bum and heat it up in the microwave. Afterwards, a small slice of chocolate cake for dessert, and maybe something warm to drink during this cold winter night...
I am thinking about spring. It has been a cold winter, not much snow to talk about but it has been cold. I am thinking about my garden and a trip I want to take to Paris this spring.
What's on my mind right now is that I got a lot to do before going back to work tomorrow and I don't feel like going to work tomorrow morning lol
Right now I am thinking about how much I have to do over this break. I am thinking that I need to meet up with people and that I won't have any time to finish all of my assignments. I also need to get some shopping done because I am giving away my old clothes to some family friends (haha). So much stress is piling on as usual.
Right now, I am thinking that I am thirsty and that I need to get something to drink. At the same time, I am thinking that I need to find another job, one that pays me better. That's about it.
Right now i am thinking of fucking my girlfriend.. she too needs me now we both are hungry right now.....
Right now I am thinking about my computer, and the fact that I fear it will crash on me. I have had some issues with it recently, and I had my previous laptop crash on me a few years back. So, I am concern it could happen again. I can't afford to replace it, and its my only source of income at this point.
Well, now I'm thinking of your dinner, lol. Which leads me to thinking about what I'M going to have for dinner. In general though, I've been thinking a lot lately about packing up the family and moving to another country. My thoughts are usually big
A girl is on my mind, and it is not a good thing. I will force myself to talk about cats. Cats are mysterious and clever creatures, so we must respect them. They have every capability of 'wow-ing' their best friend who feeds them. They may seem stupid at times, but the stupidity is only a facade. Behind their meaningless actions there is a grand plan... there always is.