I have always liked writing. I was wondering if there were any websites that held writing contests for cash prizes? Do some of them offer Paypal or is it just a check sent in the mail? Do some people here have experience in writing contests at all and how did it go? I think this would be something cool to try sometime.
I have heard of a site called Hubgarden.au. It's based in Australia but you can actually join and earn regardless of your location. You can write as many articles as you like but first you have to join a hub. There are several hubs at Hubgarden and you get medals, views and karmas - all of which will help you earn. Medals are either silver, bronze or gold and they each have a value in dollars. For instance, a silver medal is worth $5. Medals are awarded by hub editors to writers with noteworthy articles. You can try it if it floats your boat.
There are lots of sites and you can find them randomly or through writing websites and magazines. Here is one I have found, but haven't used yet;Log In Most with cash prizes do require a submission fee, although there are some that don't but have stricter rules on submissions. Poets & Writers has a good classified section too, but it depends on you location and also what genre you write.
I think there are tons of paid writing contests, and signing up for various writing sites will allow you to find out about them. It can be a great way to get experience writing, and who knows? you may win something. Some of the cash prizes can be rather hefty. However, any little bit helps right??
My husband is a prolific writer who loves contests. He regularly joins scriptwriting contests locally. But in the internet, he said that most of those contests have an entry fee and even at only $5 to join, it is clear that it is only to make money. Besides, the judging is always suspect when it comes to the winners. So this is a caveat, beware of writing contests that require contestants to pay an entry fee.