I am currently torn as to what pet to bring into my household. Currently we are picking between a dog, a cat, or a pet snake! Does anyone have any personal opinions on the matter? Right now we are leaning more towards the cat, but my little brother is adamant on having the snake around. I myself, am looking forward to owning a dog! Anyone got any advice?
Have you had any other pets before? I would say that if you are certain you want to make a long term commitment to an animal then either a cat or a dog would be great. Cats tend to be a little more solitary and can keep themselves busy (not to say they wont want to cuddle and play with toys) and dogs tend to want a lot more love and affection from their owners. It would be based mainly on what kind of company your family wants.
I agree with EvoDoom. Also, it depends on if you are away from home for long periods of time during the day. If that is the case it might not be a good idea and wouldn't be fair to get a dog as they tend to get lonely if their human family isn't around much.
Dogs tend to bark, so I would lean towards the cat. There isn't much that's more annoying than a uncontrollable barking dog. The other nice thing about cats, you don't have to let them out to do their business so you won't have to walk around carrying their feces in a plastic bag until you find a garbage can. Cat's have a much more sophisticated deportment.
You have to look at what is right for your household. Dog - needs to be let out on regular basis, needs potty training which depending on the breed could be difficult, cost of healthy dog food in your area, excercise for the dog so do you have a fenced yard or willing to walk your dog often, if you go on a day trip is there someone who can care for your dog or do you have a problem taking him with you. These are just a few of the things you must think of. Cat - less needs than a dog as it doesn't need to be let out but who will clean the litter regularly? depending on the age of the cat it may need litter training, do you want a pet that isn't as loving. You can take a day trip without needing someone to care for it, cost of cat food in your area Snake - now here is the biggie (I have had pet snakes for years), is someone willing to feed frozen thawed mice at least 1 time a week maybe 2 (live mice can hurt a snake); are you willing to put frozen mice in your freezer for your snake, cost of mice in your area (snake shows/expos usually sell bulk cheap or your local pet store), a snake DOES need handling on a regular basis if you want it to be tame and not bite at you when you pick it up to feed it, cost of a second "home' for feeding (you should never feed a snake in it's regular enclosure or it will begin to associate you reaching in with time to eat and strike at you), can you handle a bite from the snake? they don't necessarily hurt but it can be scary. Good luck in your adoption and let us know what you chose
I would recommend a dog from your local animal shelter. While these dogs can sometimes take longer to train due to their age and bad habits they are much cheaper than a pure breed and in the end you are most likely saving their life. There are plenty of breeds in shelters that are easy to train if you take an hour or two a day to work with them and in the end they will love you much more than a snake or cat.
Go for a dog/puppy! They're loyal and very lovable. I'm not really a fan of cats, and a snake sounds a little scary to be honest
In a perfect world, I'd say cat or a dog. But in reality, I'd say a cat because there are so many of them and chances are they'll be put down quicker than a dog. Cats are fantastic animals and I would recommend anyone get one. I've had a dog before and I loved her very much, but there's a higher chance a dog will be adopted than a cat. Good luck!
Everything depends on the space you have in your house and history with you to the care of animals. Particularly, I prefer dogs. I think it's an ideal animal for the company and for a good time. Cats are more independent, and they don´t require as much care as other pets, beyond which are sensitive in some ways. As for the snake, I haven`t experience, but I think an interesting experience to try. Definitely a dog is the standard option and that offers the greatest, but personal taste nothing can be said. You must take into account the time of care we want to dedicate to the pet.
Take the pet that you think no one will go for...don't go straight for the cute cat/dog that already has a ticket guaranteed out of there, take the little fella that's been there the longest and treat him well
If you're looking for something to engage with and have fun then forget about the snake, they're so boring. Apart from when they feed they do nothing.
Snakes are the easiest to take care of. Dogs and cats can be a lot of work but I have 2 cats and a dog and love them all. They all have pros and cons but ultimately you need to make sure you can do the right thing when you adopt them. Many people don't realize how much work and responsibility having pets are; it is similar to having children.
I am a dog lover, so I would naturally go for dogs. I cannot imagine living without a dog. These pets can be trained and they're truly man's best friend.
Dogs are the most adorable pets to have. Besides being watch guards for your home, they can be quite entertaining and a tremendous source of joy. Of course, if you adopt a high breed dog, maintaining it will be more expensive.
Snakes don't cuddle, nor are they social. Your brother likes the idea of owning a snake, but you can't do much with it other than watch it kill and eat something. Outside of that, snakes are a little boring. I have a poodle. They are super smart, easy to train, and they DO NOT SHED. If you get a dog, get one that either does not shed, or is mixed with breeds that do not shed. Dumb dogs are problematic one they learn a bad behavior. Avoid the dumber canine breeds (research can help you determine that). Cats start off social as kittens. As they get older, they tend to become solitary, even in your home. They socialize when they want to, and they require litter box maintenance. Sometimes that can get old too. Yes, I am biased toward dogs - I admit it.
It really depends on your household both now and for (potentially) the next 15 years! If you are all out of the house all day then a dog probably isn't a good idea. I have a dog but work from home, I couldn't stand the idea of leaving her on her own for 8 or 9 hours at a time. The problem is, you have to know you will have the time and effort for a dog for such a long period of time, a lot can change in 10 years. If you need flexiblility for holidays/nights out/long days with no one in the house then a cat would probably be the better choice. They can look after themselves pretty well both inside and outside of the house, and not all cats are cold and lacking in affection! I wouldn't go for a snake personally, for me they are wild animals that belong outside in their natural habitat, but that is only my personal opinion. The other issue is money. I know it sounds a bit crass, but I have seen so many posts online saying 'my dog is ill and I can't afford to go to the vets, what shall I do to treat it at home'. Watching an ill pet is horrible, and being unable to have it treated is just cruel. It might be worth looking at vets in your area for prices etc to help you decide.
There are have been a lot of helpful comments posted, but I'll say this: consider your personalities when deciding on what pet to adopt. Personally, I like both cats and dogs, but when I look at my personality I can definitely see myself enjoying the life of a cat... I'm low-maintenance, I enjoy being independent, I'm easily amused, I have a short attention span and I like to sleep a lot. That's probably why I love my cat- we have a lot in common Of course, there are many different breeds of dogs that can reflect your personality as well, but generally I think dog ownership requires a lot more commitment in comparison to cats because you have to walk them day or night, rain or shine, and you cannot simply go on a weekend getaway without getting a petsitter or taking the dog with you. Whatever your family decides, good luck and enjoy!