I'm making the Big Chop. What kind of hair care products should I use in order to maintain healthy hair? What ingredients do I need to look for? What are some names of some products? I want healthy beautiful natural hair.
First of all, congratulations! I'd say go with Carol's Daughter if you can afford it. Her products are all natural and they're excellent but expensive.
Congratulations. I did the big chop two years ago. I think you should check out a few sites before deciding on a product. Most of the time you will try a number of different products until you find the one that works best for your hair. You should check outLog In,Log In,Log In,Log In,Log In, and my favoriteLog In. My hair is currently at BSL. I use Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil Replenishing Conditioner, Organics Olive Oil Creamy Aloe Shampoo, and I make a homemade deep conditioner with mayo, avocado, eggs, and honey.
Aloe vera and coconut are both said to encourage hair to stay healthy and shiny. I also use a peppermint conditioner - because I think it makes my hair shiny.
Its also very important to take the right vitamins. Omega 3,6,9 will help your help grow in nice and shiny as well as help you a lot of other things. I also take 5000 MCG of biotin in the a.m. and 5000 mcg of Biotin in the evening. Finally I take prenatal vitamins. I don't know whats in those things but it makes my hair and nails grow like weeds.
I use hair care products by a brand called Organix. I had tried many others and some were very expensive. The results were mixed and I could not justify continuing to purchase products that gave mediocre results to my dry curly hair. After extensive reading reviews at different sites, I decided to try the Organix Macadamia and Awapuhi products and love them both. They make my hair shiny and curly, but also smooth and easy to brush. For coloring, I use a brand called herbatint. It's great because you don't have to use the whole product at once, which can save money, and it's natural!