There are thankfully plenty of great places to get digital games nowadays, which ensures none of them will get too confident and start charging ridiculous prices. Personally, Steam is my favorite but the Humble Store is also great. Good Old Games is also many people's favorite. So what do you guys prefer?
Well, you already mentioned my favorites, all three of them. I mostly use for the classic games they sell, many gems from my youth are to be found there, properly optimized for newer operating systems. The Humble Bundle I use because I love indie games. Pay what you want, support charity and buy plenty of fun creative games. On Steam I usually wait for sales. I'm not big on buying full priced games on release day so the wait suits me just fine.
Good point. Steam can get pretty pricey if you buy every game as soon as it catches your eye. It's nearly always worth it to wait for a Summer or Winter sale as that's when the prices drop most. Then again there'll be so many good offers I end up buying way too many games and it's pretty counterproductive haha
I normally don't buy my games so usually I get free games and trial versions of games from the following sites: Classic — they have lots of old games. — newer games, most of them can be downloaded free. — they don't have the best games on the net but at least most of them are free. If you don't play too many games, I'm sure you'd find all the games you need on the sites above.
Steam is definitely the best in my opinion, has the widest and cheapest range from a trusted source, definitely much better than any competitors I've managed to find. Apart from that I use ORIGIN too which is a pretty good service for EA based exclusives like BF4.
I've never tried ORIGIN as I've always heard really bad things about it from day one. However they do seem to give away free games from time to time, or so I've heard, so it must not be all bad. How was your experience with it? Is it as bad as it's reputation?
Steam and Origin are my primary sources of games although I prefer Steam more than Origin just cause. But to be honest I find Origin to be a pain in the butt so whenever I buy a game for my PC and it's from EA I would SOMETIMES just find a crack online than deal with Origin.
Steam all the way. I never really purchase that much games since I tend to wait for price drops and promos before I purchase one and just the other day I got Mirror's Edge for only $5! How cool was that.