For the last month i have been receiving an annoying message from windows update. The alert wants me to update my Windows 8, to Windows 8.1. The question that i have is, what is the difference between the two? Does Windows 8.1 offer different features than Windows 8? I have a rather slow internet connection. 1.5 mbps to be exact. I want to know is it worth my time to wait 8-10 hours for the new Operating System to download, and install. Or should i just stay with Windows 8?
Well, there's really not much of a difference, but it has some. First off is they added back the 'Start' button, kinda like in previous versions of Windows, also, the tile interface has been changed a bit, you can now adjust the tiles in even smaller sizes, there are also a few built in apps added and performance increase. I have switched from W8 to 8.1 and to be honest with you, I didn't see much of a difference, but it is worth downloading, I mean I don't really know but I think its faster than 8 in my opinion. But I would suggest just stick with 8 for now, or if you're annoyed bu the notification just turn it off completely.
I have to disagree. I do not think it was worth downloading. The difference is not noticeable to me. It took me 10 hours to download, and install it. My internet connection is really slow, and i had to wait for the entire process to finish because you cannot cancel once you start it. I wasted a whole day on something that i did not need. I will know netter next time.