I am a snack person. I'd rather snack on things throughout the day than just sit down and have a whole meal. So, because of this fact I keep stocked with things to snack on and the number one food item I always have is cucumbers. I'm trying to watch my calorie intake and what better way than to have my go-to snack be a vegetable. What I usually do is mix a dash of salt and pepper and then a splash of Apple cider vinegar with my cucumbers and I'm left with a delicious, low-calorie snack. When I'm out of ACV (apple cider vinegar) I just use some low-calorie salad dressing as a dipping sauce. What is the food item that you constantly keep in your house?
Don't laugh. I always have ramen noodles, chicken and onions and peppers on hand. When all else fails, that is the quickest dinner ever. I can actually get EVERY one in my household to eat that.
I stock my fridge with fruits - a huge variety of them. I have carrots, cucumbers, lettuce etc. also. Whenever I am tempted to snack I have to choose between these. This has helped me keep a tab of the things that go into my mouth. This has also helped me watch my weight. There are no cans of juices in there. So, I have to make fresh juice or eat a whole fruit which, is healthier still. There are quite a few bottles of chilled water too. A also make a variety of sprouts which add color and life to my salads. I use Greek-yogurt with a dash of pepper and salt for salad dressing.
We keep our pantry stocked with staples like rice, pasta, beans, spaghetti sauce, and peanut butter. If we are running low on food, I know that we can at least make rice and beans or "poor man's" spaghetti. Peanut butter is my go to snack when I need something filling but don't have the time to prepare anything.
I wouldn't call it food but I always consistently keep coffee in the house. I have backups upon backups in case I run out because I'm a caffeine addict and I get really bad withdrawal symptoms if I run completely out of coffee. I also keep bread, cheese and apples around.
I am with ACSAPA, we have to have coffee in the house at all times! As far as snack food goes, we tend to have on hand either cheese and crackers or celery and peanut butter for snacking on.
I always have loads of fruit and veg, but that changes with the seasons. I guess the things I keep in all the times are the all important chocolate and tea (must be decent tea though!). I generally have a good storecupboard of staples like grains, nuts, seeds etc, but again these change over time.
Well, there are a couple of items that I always have. Bread first of all, in my country we eat pretty much everything with bread (except noodles). Red Bulls, I am a computer programmer so I need a lot of Red Bulls in order to be always capable of coding and third, a variety of different teas.
Peanut butter is the one thing that we can never run out of in our house. I also try to keep some beans and rice in the house all the time, preferably cooked stored in the freezer for the times you don't have time to cook or don't want to cook, just add a salad and some cornbread dinner is served.
This is not necessarily on purpose, but there always seems to be tuna in the house. It's as though we simply never run out of it. What is on purpose is that there's always pasta. When all else fails, there can always be pasta for dinner.
I don't keep snack food in my apartment. It's just too dangerous. If I want a snack I will have to make an extra trip to the store. But I have bean soup mix, lentils, peanut butter and cucumbers on hand. I also have salad fixings. I love salad.
There are a lot of foods that we always buy in bulk at the beginning of every month so that we won't run out of it for awhile. Things like rice, pasta, bread, bananas, huge cans of green beans, corn and pineapple, peanut butter, soups, salad mixes, fake meat such as Boca burgers and bean burgers, etc.
I would always have bananas and apples on my fridge. A whole-wheat bread is also a must for me and a peanut butter filling. I think those are the ones that I can't live without for the day. I need that for my mix protein and carbs diet that my gym instructor advised me. Of coarse since I am here in Asia, Rice is always on our table.
I always keep some bread, eggs, Spam, and pasta in the house at all times for some quick meals. It's filling enough to last, and cheap enough to work until I can go grocery shopping again.
This is an interesting and apparently universal phenomenon. I have one friend who lives in a postage stamp sized apartment and another who lives in a $2.5 million dollar home, and guess what is always present at both locations? Tuna fish!! It's almost like it perpetually self-replicates.
Aside from the ever-present tuna fish, the food item I always have on hand in my home is canned Wolf Brand Chili with no beans. I have a hard time admitting this because I have a homemade chili recipe that I love to make, and it seems to get better every time I make it. I love to cook, but I'm also prone to bouts of laziness and I love chili, so I guess the canned Wolf Brand chili is my version of a blankie Please don't judge me! I'm only human!
We always have a supply of bread here in the house, because my dad buys bread from the bakery every single day. We also have a constant supply of bananas here at home. We used to stock up on noodles and oats before too, but now we only have bread and bananas.
The food cupboard in our kitchen is full of boxes of Cup-a-Soups as my dad seems to live on them. We always joke that one day he will turn into a giant Cup-a-Soup.