What Are You Thinking as You Vote in Public Elections?

Discussion in Off Topic Discussion & General Questions started by mythman • Jun 23, 2014.

  1. mythman

    mythmanActive Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    I don't mean 'when you're watching the news & they discuss a political leader or candidate,' I mean 'when you are IN THE BOOTH, LOOKING AT THE OPTIONS THERE.'

    For me, I usually have my selected candidates in mind when I go. So--in those elections--I have to think about them as much as I have to think 'which skin-color am I' (which is really no puzzle for me---as white as the day is long).

    But Presidential elections come with a bunch of other elections to decide as well---Senate, House, State Questions. And--while I know who to vote for in SOME of `em--there are some that ... I don't know either of the candidates from Adam! On those, I just ... I usually skip those elections, but SOMETIMES one candidate's name looks cooler :cool:

    What are you thinking in the voting-booth?