What Are the Awesomest of the #1000AwesomeThings? #NealPasricha #TheBooksOfAwesome

Discussion in Off Topic Discussion & General Questions started by mythman • May 8, 2014.

  1. mythman

    mythmanActive Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    'Comedian' (I call him `coz his books are Dewey-Decimal'd "780") Neal Pasricha wrote--in his spare time--the 10-million-plus-hit-blog

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    (there are probably way MORE than the thousand listed on THAT page, but '1000' is a good "foundation" ja?) which he wisely developed into some books.

    In the first book, he naturally saved the BIGGEST awesome for last---"Remembering how lucky we are to be here right now," recounting how each of us used to be one of a bazillion sperm (but we were The Chosen One out of the bazillion); how that hinged upon not only our parents meeting, falling in love, making love & bearing each of us, but also the same thing for our grandparents, great-grandparents, Old West grandparents, Pilgrim grandparents, Renaissance grandparents, Viking colonial grandparents ... all the way back to our Ice Age grandparents, each falling in love, making love & bearing new life again & again & again that led to you.

    And ALL THAT was predicated upon us being lucky enough to live on this ONE-&-ONLY LIFE-SUSTAINING PLANET IN ALL THE KNOWN UNIVERSE!

    ... so naturally that's the BIGGEST awesome, but the BEST awesome? I think it's "the smell of books." What do you think?
  2. malia


    May 10, 2014
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    Hmmm thats a good question and I've never heard of that list; he had some good things on there so thanks for posting it :) I would have to say my number one awesome thing is thinking. I spend most of my time in deep thought and your thoughts are your world. its everything that exist to you with out it youd be dead so yeah :)
  3. mythman

    mythmanActive Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    Amen Sister! Without The Thinking, the only understanding one could have of ANYTHING would be 'awe' (I know, maybe "ignorance is bliss" if it means that 'everything is awesome'; but--in reality--you DON'T want to think something is Awesome if it really ISN'T!)

    But I wouldn't quite say that thoughts "are" your world; it's more like they 'color everything in your world' or they 'complete your world to the full' ... it's like air: air is 'everywhere in the world,' you can't exist without it & it fills all the space (on Earth) not filled with something else; but (luckily) air is NOT the entire world.

    And--unlike air--thoughts CANNOT exist without 'things to think about.'