I have been playing match 3 games for the past couple of years and nothing has captured my attention as much as Candy Crush Saga has! I'm officially addicted that I think I need to attend rehab. I play it everyday. I keep on pestering my friends on Facebook to give me additional lives. Do you play Candy Crush Saga too? What makes it so addicting?
I don't actually but my favorite game on Facebook is Criminal Case and Are you smarter than the 5th grader.. However this seems to be a great game! i would have an attempt to it. Thanks for letting me know
I am so addicted to this game. It's more addicting than Tetris. It gives me excitement when I win and it honestly makes me feel sad when I lose. I started using facebook again because of this game. All I do is bug my friends for lives and/or tickets. I have candy crush installed on my iphone and my tablet. This game is crazy, fun, and did I mention, addicting?
I have been using Facebook for a long time. It was just about a few weeks ago when I paid heed to the notifications that said that some of my friends needed a life or a ticket to reach the next episode. Out of curiosity, I checked out the game. At first, I said to myself, "Oh, it's another match-3 type of game". But the more I played, the more I got hooked. May I ask, what level are you in?
Lol. You gotta step up your game burdianex. Level 22 is a little bit too early to get stuck. Ask your friends for lives or extra moves and just replay the level. You will get out of it eventually. You could also replay the past stages in order to beat the high scores of your friends. I'm now at level 98 and it's a lot more difficult. I hope you get past the level.
To be honest I have played very few games on facebook. Not that I'm not into games, but when I am online I just find that I have other things I need to do. I have seen Candy Crush saga advertised on television and have been curious about it. I can see why it might be addictive, it seems like a game that can be a challenge to play as well as fun.
thanks for that information. Its there some cheat on candy crush likes unlimited lives? Im tired of waiting for my friends giving lives or more importantly unlimited extra moves?
I have viewed the game .. seems interesting... I am on level 5.. any tips to move faster in the game?
I don't know of any cheats right now. Besides, it wouldn't be a lot of fun if you could cheat in a match 3 game. All you can do is pester your friends for additional lives and moves and tickets in order to move to another level. All I can say is that as much as possible, try to combine two different types of special candy together for more devastating effect.
When I got my first request to play the candy crush game I wasn't very interested, but now I can't seem to stop playing it. I am stuck on level 86 and I can't seem to get out of that level. I didn't think I would ever get stuck on a game beings as I never really played the games, but now I am stuck on candy crush!! Don't know what it is about the game , but it has got me stuck..
I got stuck on level 79 before. But I just played and played (eventually stopping if my lives were depleted) until I finally completed it. Patience would help you succeed in Candy Crush. If you get bored with the level, just try to replay the other levels. It works for me.
It was addicting until I got stuck on a level in the 100s and I got fed up that I just quit. I think it's addicting because you see how far all your friends are along the way on the map and your competitive nature just kicks in and you want to beat them! At least that was one of the reasons why I played it so much.
I used to play candy crush before. I keep asking my sister and my friend to give me a new life. They are really annoyed because of that. I don't play it anymore. i got stuck in 188 level and I stopped playing.
honestly think what makes it addicting is the limited lives. With other games you start playing, then you play for a long time, and the next day you are tired. At least for me (who refuses to pay for extra lives), the addicting part is only being able to play 5 times per period. Waiting for the next lives to come is hard and makes you that more excited when you have them!
I've never really been much of a gamer either on Facebook or even when it comes to PS3 but i think Candy Crush is really addictive from the way I see everyone playing it on Facebook all the time and sending those annoying requests to everyone else to play the game. It's somewhat like how Farmville and Texas Poker made everyone go nuts on Facebook.
I play Candy Crush but I'm not addicted to it. I usually play it from time to time. I will play just to help my sister out when she is stuck and needs a ticket. Otherwise I am playing a lot of the other games on my phone.