It's that time of year when colds are going around and it is inevitable that you will catch a cold but do you do anything to try and avoid catching a cold. I am fanatical about hand washing. I always wash my hand before i eat when I'm at work. I'm a teacher and am around sick kids every day. I also wash my hands as soon as I get home from work and I insist that my kids wash as soon as they come in the door too. Other than that I take vitamin C regularly and oil of oregano. What do you do to try to prevent getting a cold?
I also wash my hands as often as I can to avoid germs. When the kids were smaller I would have them change clothes and wash their hands as soon as they came home to limit the exposure to germs. When I feel like a cold may be trying to take hold I will make sure I get plenty of sleep and drink ginger tea.
At our home we drink cider vinegar with cold water every day. In a 16 oz. glass of ice cold water we drop 12-16 drops of cider vinegar to keep healthy and slim. We found that we don't catch colds at all and no flus too. It's so nice to have this simple remedy. In this article they have different kinds of home remedies inclucdng a different way to drink cider vinegar. * 10 easy, natural remedies for conquering the common cold *Log InLog In
The best ways to prevent a cold, in my opinion, is having a healthy and balanced diet. When your immune system is up and strong, and doing well, I have found that it is very hard for a cold to get into your system and develop, or stick around. The best defense is offense lol. I am also a bit of a clean freak, but I understand that being too clean can get rid of your good bacteria too.
It is a coincidence that I'm suffering from a terrible cold that started yesterday. Last night I had dripping nose and clogged nose alternating so I had difficulty in getting sleep. I would wake up once in a while and despite the paracetamol, I was very uncomfortable. Hoping that tonight I would have a peaceful sleep because I plan to take a hot bath before going to bed. That would ease the clogged nose.
I too make sure I wash my hands before handling food every single time. The other thing that never fails me is my multivitamin supplement. If I feel a little run down and feel like I may come down with a cold, I take Berocca for a couple of days in a row, and that takes care of it. If I catch the cold a little late, I crush a garlic clove and mix it with a generous dollop of honey and swallow the lot. The cold backs right off
I also have a habit of washing my hands every time I touch something from outside and especially when I get home. I also tend to avoid coughing and people with clogged noses since I might get infected with a virus. When that happens though, I have tablets in stock that I will take to get rid of the flu or cough.
As there is very little that can be done once you have a cold or the flu virus - other than try and relieve the symptoms whilst letting it run its course - I too would agree that prevention is the way to go - especially as after having worked in an environment where I was exposed to viruses on a daily basis - I have found this to be true Therefore as we are currently in what is known as the peak season for colds and flu - which generally runs from October to May in most countries - and there are plenty of myths and old wives tales regarding how to prevent catching a cold or the flu virus - but very few proven methods of actually doing that. Hopefully this will help - as the widely accepted - proven and most effective ways of avoiding cold and flu viruses - apart from eating a healthy balanced diet full of nutrient rich foods drinking plenty of fluids in order to keep the body fully hydrated getting plenty of fresh air and regular exercise making sure that you get an adequate amount of sleep as well as - washing your hands thoroughly and regularly being top priorities in order to keep the immune system functioning at its optimal level - are doing all of the following Limit contact with others - not only when they are infectious but throughout the virus season - and particularly children - as they more likely to be virus carriers than adults Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with your hands - as these are the main areas where a virus can enter your system - with the tear ducts being especially vulnerable - which is why its particularly important to not only avoid rubbing your eyes - but to ensure that anything you touch on a regular basis - for example - phones and computer keyboards - are always kept super clean. Its also advisable - as cold and flu viruses are passed on through infected droplets of mucus in the air and from surfaces touched by infected people too - to not only try and avoid touching surfaces that others may have been in contact with - but as there are high concentrations of virus particles in the air around people suffering with flu or cold viruses - to keep as far away as possible - particularly as - although the minimum safe distance between you and an infected person was originally thought to be around 6 feet - it is now thought - that it might actually be way more than that. Oh and if you can - try to avoid shaking hands - as that contributes greatly too.
I think the best thing you can do to prevent a cold is to take measures in washing and sanitizing your hands as much as possible. Colds have some very predictable infection vectors. Its either through contact with a contaminated person or surface; or you could become contaminated through air borne pathogens. Dress warm when its cold outside, make sure you're getting your vitamins and drinking a lot of water, try to keep your diet on track and remember protein is your friend to help you fuel your body, and wash your hands every hour if you're super concerned about it. The most likely scenario is your hands pick something up and you scratch your face or rub your eyes. Good luck!
They say that turmeric is great for fighting off colds and flus, as well as the fact that it encompasses anti-inflammatory properties, and properties that fight depression. If I have let my immune system go to the point where I have contracted a cold or flu, then I will often boil a pot of citrus fruits, add some honey, and drink it. It is great for getting the toxins out.
I carry wet wipes with me and I don't touch things (when I can) like door handles in public or use gloves. I also take vitamin c if I am out and about to boost my immune system. It's also important to change your hand towels, every other day during winter in case any germs do build up. Sometimes you can't avoid it, especially if you are a teacher except to encourage the children to do the same and cover their noses and mouths when they cough or sneeze.
I'm a big fan of emergenC. Whenever I feel myself starting to get sick or someone else I am close to gets sick I take a few packets of this a day. I also load up on vitamin C, whether it is through fruit or vitamins. I also drink lemon water. I'm not sure if this really prevents colds but my throat always feels better after I drink water with lemon.
I only get colds about once or twice a year but I'm taking note of all your suggestions, I like to drink hot water with lemon so that's no problem at all. I haven't tried Vitamin C tablets but maybe i should after reading all these comments, I also haven't thought of wiping down door handles and such. It's seems a bit extreme, but if it works,then I'm all for it.
In addition to washing my hands and trying to eat a healthy diet, I like to have a daily dose of elderberry syrup to help prevent colds. Elderberries are a rich source of vitamins A and C, which are crucial in helping the body maintain optimal health. A daily dose of elderberry syrup can help prevent acute and chronic diseases.