The internet is full of supplements and clever marketing to get you to buy products that will help you lose weight by burning fat of increasing your metabolism. The grocery store and your running shoes are a cheaper and more effective way to accomplish the same objective. Hot peppers are supposed to increase your metabolic rate. Look online and you will see many supplements containing Capsicum they "hot" ingredient. The quantity of Capsicum needed for a metabolic boost is far less than is contained in most capsules. These capsules just bypass your mouth and throat to eliminate the burning sensation (at least at the top end) and contain nothing more than cayenne powder. You can save a lot of money cooking with cayenne rather than buying pills and still get the benefit. Green tea is another food that is supposed to increase metabolism and melt away the fat. Again you can find a capsule form. It is difficult to know how much of the capsule effect is from the large dose of caffeine you are ingesting as opposed to drinking it is tea form. There are many other foods such as ginger and turmeric that have shown some evidence of metabolic enhancement. Have you ever tried to Incorporate any of these food into your regular diet? Do you feel that these foods work for you? Are there other foods that you know of that are supposed to have a similar effect?
There are for sure certain foods out there that can increase your metabolic rate, but at the same time I think people need to be more focused on just eating clean before they start focusing on eating foods to increase their metabolism. Some people think they can go out and get fast food and then eat something like cayenne pepper and assume it's ok.