What sports require a lot of upper body strength? The only sport I can think of is American football since you need to tackle the other players. I have a bulky and strong upper body and would like to begin playing a sport that suit my build.
I think weight lifting strengthens your upper body in particular because most of the effort is limited around your upper body only. However, having strong thigh muscles is a mandatory requirement to hold the weight properly.
Lifting weights is an excellent upper body sport. And so is walking with your hands, a game which requires balance that we used to play as kids. I have an initiative to start doing pressups which confer alot of endurance and strength to the upper body. All there sports can be done indoors.
Swimming also definitely requires a lot of upper body strength and is in fact a good way to build it. Other sports like wrestling and some field athletics like shot put and pole vault also require a lot of upper body strength.
Yes weight lifting is one great upper body sports you should consider going into. You need strong and powerful arms for this sport and a bulky and very powerful chest. You could also try other sports like boxing and a little of the martial arts.
I think the sport you are looking for is rowing Almost every sport require all body to be in balance but in rowing upper body is a must.
I think two sports that require a lot of upperbody strength are wrestling and gymnastics, that first comes to mind-these athletes are quite big in that area. I think rowing or even canoeing uses mostly chest strength and endurance as well because over a long distance, the man with the most endurance will win. So rowing a shell would be great for a man or woman with great upperbody strength and endurance as well.
Gymnastics is a sport that requires a considerable a amount of upper body strength but it may also demands a higher level of discipline than many other sports, therefore, you would have to be prepared to commit to the rigours of that discipline. Weight lifting, swimming, and wrestling may be other sports that could be considered in to this regard.
Lifting and push-ups are the exercises that will help your upper body to get stronger. Of course, you may use a lot of exercises and take creatine, protein, etc.
I agree, those are the biggest exercises that will definitely help you grow your upper body and help it become far stronger and tougher.
The only sports I can think of are swimming, lifting, and kayaking especially kayaking. The intense forcé one makes with their upper body with kayaking must be intense to fight against the rápids with the paddles. If one doesn't put in enough forçe one can flip over.