Have you guys heard of Umano? It's a smartphone app that offers various articles from the Internet in audio form. Only certain websites and articles are supported, but there are thousands available on the app. An actual person goes through and reads these articles, and there are a handful of people that do the transcribing rather than leaving the task to machines. It's pretty awesome, and it allows you to hear news from various categories without having to read through everything, so you can focus on other things or just relax and hear the news.
It's probably cool to have this app when you're driving and you want to know what is on the news. Or maybe you're traveling and you get dizzy when you are reading something on your phone. But, I don't really like my news being read to me. I like to read it myself. So probably I won't be downloading this app.
When I read this thread I immediately went to download it. It is a really cool concept, but I quickly found out it's not that much "news articles" but more "ten ways to" and "how to" articles. I wish it had actual news. But still cool app, thanks for the suggestion!
Sounds like an interesting app. This is the first I've heard about this, however i don't think I'll get this app. I prefer reading things myself and in silent because i can absorb information more effectively that way. If it's being read to me, that's just asking for too many distractions, like the voice (what if i don't like it?), the speed (what if it's too slow? too fast?) and what not, these kinds of things, although small but they annoy me to no end. So maybe when I'm more open to the idea of this kind of things, I'll download it one day, but for now, I'll pass.