Traveling Far For Fresh Food

Discussion in Food & Drink started by May102014 • Oct 27, 2014.

  1. May102014

    May102014Active Member

    Jun 29, 2014
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    Do you find food to be much fresher the further you travel? I ask this question because I live in the city. The nearby stores in my area are okay but some of the foods appear to be outdated or not as fresh. When I travel further away, say 30 - 40 minutes from my home, the food choices are plentiful, the prices are cheaper, the deals are better and the foods are FRESH. It bothers me sometimes when I have to go some distance for decent food. Has anyone else experience this?
  2. DancingLady

    DancingLadyActive Member

    Sep 2, 2014
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    I have not, but I don't travel that far for anything. I don't have a car, so my whole life takes place within about 2 miles of home. Fortunately I have easy access to one of the best produce departments in the whole valley, so I know the only thing I am missing out on is Trader Joe's because that is in another town. But really, I can not afford to go to Trader Joe's at all, due to my current budget, the idea of going there actually makes me feel anxious that my money will just all disappear.
  3. 003

    003Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2014
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    Personally, I wouldn't travel that far only to get the foods that are fresh. If I do so, I think when I get back they would no longer be as the hassle of the travelling with them will surely make them worn out. Also, I wouldn't want to stressed myself chasing those fresh foods located a far place from where I reside. It wouldn't be a decision to make. My exhaustion would surely outweigh the benefits I would get from buying those fresh fruits. So I would rather not. Besides there are always healthy alternatives, though might not be fresh, to fresh goods. I would rather take those if they are more easily accessible.