Just out of curosity, how secure is TOR Browser or TOR Network? Tor’s website likes to give an impression that it is absolutely secure. But anyone can download the Tor browser, so if it was 100% secure then everyone would use it. Is there anything out there that is fully 100% secure online?
That's not true. Just because everyone has access to it doesn't mean they all know about it or care about it. Also, it has serious 'issues' that for most people rule it out. For it to be secure you can't play videos with it, for instance. Also, it's pretty slow compared to a non-secure browser due to the way it routes. The average user also likes cookies, so sites can be customized.
It used to be pretty much 100% inpenetrable unless there was some kind of user error (leaking your IP thru javascript, Flash, or other means), but recently the FBI managed to pentrate it and bust several exit nodes and servers, so.. I don't know anymore. Even though that was only possible by user error again, the network as a whole might be compromised now.
Nothing is completely secured nowadays. Especially with the government trying to have a sneak peak on our every movement. So I guess, I wouldn't sacrifice my web experience just for the sake of being "secured". I still prefer using the traditional browsers, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and sometimes IE. XD
I've heard about Tor browser before, but I haven't really used it, since I don't mind having my IP and other info revealed. I think that this browser appeals more to the hackers, in my opinion.
I haven't used TOR much but from what I remember and have read, some of it is true. It does run a little slower than normal browsers. It is safe but I assume you're going to want to remain anonymous? I suggest getting a VPN then. You do have to pay per month but it is more secure and anonymous than TOR. I've read that a lot of people run TOR and a VPN to make sure their anonymity is at its highest. It's definitely a browser more for people who want to delve into the deep web.
IMO if you want anonymity on the net, TOR browser is useless. The IPs used by TOR, all their proxy servers, etc are a matter of public knowledge. So if you're visiting a site that abhors TOR users, you'll be blocked anyway. And of course there's the possibility that someone may actually get to know you real identity so it definitely isn't secure. Anymore.
And even then Google Chrome has serious privacy issues as well,Log In Not to mention it is sending reports to Google about all your movements and surfing habits,
Tor is used for a lot of black market and underground stuff. Nothing is 100% secure online, no. There are always ways of getting past things no matter how complex they are.
While the Tor browser is one of the most private and secure browsers out there, there is no such thing as being 100% anonymous online. To be really anonymous you would have to use a disposable device, use public wifi, then use tow behind 5 VPN's and 10 proxies. Even then you are not 100% secure.
TOR is pretty much as secure as it can get with modern technology. There are ways to see the information moving inside the network, but it's close to impossible to know where it comes or where it's going to. Yes it's used for a lot of illegal activities, simply because of the above mentioned anonymity, but regular people can use it too. I find people in general to be funny. There was a HUGE scandal about the NSA looking for information in your communications... even if anyone with even one brain cell knew that they were doing it already. (they even state it on their website) It was huge news, all over the world. And when presented with a free, quite well working solution to some of that (TOR browser) most people say "no, don't need that."
It might not be completely secured but it serves the purpose. In most cases people have managed to keep their browsing information and location a secret thanks to Tor. There was a rumor that even some major security firms have tried to hack it but no chance.
This is the first time I've heard of TOR browser. I normally use the most popular ones like Mozilla and Google Chrome. I don't know anything about TOR and for now i really have no plans of switching browsers. I'm happy with my default browser which is Mozilla because it's easy to manage and lots of customization options.
When it comes to the net...there is no such thing as secure. The most you can do is make it such a pain in the butt to try an d hack that some will give up. Then you just have to deal with those who love the challenge. I'd say about 75% of them just hack to say they can but do no damage. Those intent on malice usually give up if it proves to be WAY to difficult. As for Tor... I'm sure it is 100% secure as they can get it and being monitored for further improvement.
I've used it before and to tell you the truth it's really slow. If you have your links it would take a long while to make it load up and almost all the time the links are just dead or won't load up at all. As for security, yes it is 100% secure. It's more secure than the browser you are using right now actually.
Tor browser is notoriously slow now. I assume that's mainly because everyone is using the same proxies for the browser due to the amount of people on it. If security is the reason for you to use it, you can simply just use a proxy site while you browse the net instead. Also, I have to warn you all. If you try making money with Tor browser, most sites pick it up as a proxy and will ban you.