To Get Good, You Gotta Screw-Up Bad! (and Stick with the Losers as You Improve Yourself)?

Discussion in Off Topic Discussion & General Questions started by mythman • Jun 7, 2014.

  1. mythman

    mythmanActive Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    That's the message I'm getting from a lot of places (church, mostly), a message confirmed by the story in a recent issue of the

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    , the story of a recent high-school graduate who was pregnant (at the beginning of this school-year) & thinking of quitting---but she decided then to 'Buckle down & finish' & went on to be valedictorian.

    That was at a school where the dropout-rate is (as the principal-herself put it) "not below 55%." Another student was featured who dropped-out for a year-or-so, and then 'just decided to go back to school.'

    Call me 'hungry for the spotlight' (a "drama-queen" or whatever), but ... well, see how I responded in a letter to the Gazette:
    Are they condoning the WRONG, or am I just too perfect?