What are your thoughts on the Pink Slime pandemic? Do you spend a little more money to go to a grocery store that sells meat that does not contain it or do you go for the less expensive option. There are also some stores scattered across the United States that are buying back meat from other stores that contain it and giving you their beef products that do not contain it.
I am completely disgusted by it. I don't eat ground beef very often. I called my favorite stores and they don't carry meat with pink slime. I am quite relieved. I did buy ground beef at a major food chain a few times in the past. They carry the pink slime stuff and I'm just disgusted by the fact that I've eaten this stuff. I am also cutting back on the amount of meat I eat. I am seriously considering becoming a vegetarian. My only concern is getting enough protein. I don't think eat enough now, so I worried I really won't get enough as a vegetarian.
It's possible to get all the protein you need from a vegetarian diet, particularly if you still eat eggs and fish, which, as a meat eater switching because of concerns over meat production, is probably the case. Eggs are a great source of protein, and as long as you don't have very high cholesterol, you can eat several a week. Fish is another good source, and don't forget pulses such as chickpeas. Freek yogurt is also high in protein and calcium. Regarding pink slime, it's yet another disgrace brought about by the desire to make big bucks by any means. I also check with the stores where I shop, although I don't use much ground beef anyway. I also avoid processed meat products - I prefer to see what I'm eating.
I was a bit disgusted by it, but almost all our food is some sort of gross processed mess these days, so it's not too surprising. I only ever buy my sausages from a Farmer at the Farmer's market, and all my burgers are home made using Extra Lean Ground Beef from a butcher, so personally, I think...I HOPE...I am OK.
Agreed! I have been doing quite a bit of research over the past few days. I have decided to take the plunge. I will call myself a 90% vegetarian because I will still eat fish. I don't really eat eggs. In a previous life, I used to do cell research and just can't eat eggs. I will have to diligent in making sure I'm eating enough protein, but I can handle it.b
I just think it is funny how this has been in our beef products for 10 plus years and it is finally hitting the media now. This all happened because a USDA scientist decided to call it "pink slime."
I am fully disgusted with this pink slime. I am disappointed in the USDA for allowing this crap to get in grocery stores across the US. I refuse to purchase meat from stores that carry it, and I am reducing my meat consumption all together. You simply can't trust store-bought meat. I would rather purchase meat from local farmers who raise grass-fed cows.
I saw a picture of pink slime on Facebook. It turned my stomach. My children love McDonald's, but I didn't take them back after seeing that. I am glad that they are banning the use of it in their fast food chains. I would pay the extra money to ensure that this stuff does not enter my family's bodies. Mrs. Pirz: Pink slime is a beef based food additive. It is pretty much a bunch of scraps left over and treated with amonia gas, or citric acid, to kill certain baterias. It can be legally sold to consumers, but can be used as a filler in beef products. For me, if I can't legally by it then it should not be in my food.
It absolutely disgusts me! I would go vegetarian, but all my mom cooks with is meat. I'm sure this isn't the only thing the USDA is hiding, no telling what else may be discovered in the future.
I think that the pink slime is disgusting. Its a shame that companies are so greedy trying to make money that they use the gross fillers. However, I have eaten it for the past 10 years, Would I even like meat that wasn't filled with pink slime? I think that all companies use filings and gross tricks to help save money. I personally prefer not to know, otherwise I would starve! haha
Oh, man, I'm so disgusted by this stuff. The first time I heard about it, it made me feel sick. And, the article that I read was talking about how it was being served at school! That right there is reason enough to pack the kid's lunches. Yuck!
Here's a wikipedia link: Log In Some "meat" is labeled mechanically separated meat. I refused to eat anything with this label. I think the meat industry knew if they actually described what it is, no one would eat it. Thus the term" "lean, finely textured beef" was born.
I, too, was grossed out by the pictures of pink slime. I chose to buy a turkey sausage product for our pasta one night. As it cooked in the pot, I noticed the strange pink color and checked the list of ingredients. Yes, there in my "turkey" sausage was beef callogen, which to me sure sounds like another way to say pink slime. I was pretty upset that there was any beef in the turkey sausage. They did include it in the list of ingredients, but I think it should have been in bolder print somewhere. So, be careful. Just because it is not a beef product doesn't mean it is not a beef product
Ewww! that is so gross! And good to know! I would never have thought of finding something like that in my food. It just shows how important it is to read everything on the package!
While on the one hand, yes, it's disgusting, on the other hand, especially for incredibly low-income people like me and my husband, buying the expensive meat is not necessarily an option. If I were forced to choose between eating pink slime and going hungry, I'd hold my nose and eat the slime. They really need to clean up our food, and not just for the elite who can afford to shop at specialty stores.
I agree! I for one, am not able to buy from whole foods stores or buy organic. Sometimes I have to buy the cheap clearance meat. My view is that I have been eating this pink slime for years, I was fine before when I didnt know about it! lol I wish they would clean it up though. The thought of having fillers in my food makes me feel like I am eating pig scraps.
I am so happy that they are removing "pink slime" from the stores and from the lunch rooms in schools. Our children need HEALTHY food to give them the ammunition they need to ward off disease and to heal from injuries. Nature gave us everything we needed (fresh vegetables and fruits) to keep us well. Thirty years ago, before the obesity epidemic started, we ate fresh food much more often because "processed" foods had not taken a foothold as yet. With the adding of sugar to almost every processed food (or fructose / corn syrup), we added more toxins that have continually depleted our immune system. How can "fillers" such as pink slime be healthy for us? It is comparable to eating straw - not nutritious at all. When it comes down to it, if food comes in a jar, can, jug, bag, box, or bottle, it is "processed" and contains toxins (additives, preservatives, colorings) that are keeping us from reaching 100% healthy lives. Can the FDA or USDA do anything about it? Apparently if it is not poison, they do not care...
I am disgusted by the pink slime in food, but even more disgusted that it took so long to be made known to the public. I am not going to go vegetarian though, instead I will be more cautious about what I purchase for cooking at home and eating out, well that is an extreme rarity now.
I think its disgusting and its something that I honestly might not have wanted or needed to know. When you go to a burger or grill joint they usually cook the foods at really high temperatures and this kills most of all of the germs. And honestly I don't really care about that stuff as long as it tastes good I will continue to buy.