So, as everyone should know by now, Donald Trump is going to be the next president. What are your thoughts on this. I'm neutral and I could care less but how about you?
I voted for Gary Johnson, a third party candidate, because I think Trump is a bully and that Clinton is a crook, in fact, one who caused soldiers to be burned alive. However, Trump seems to have mellowed out after winning, but I still don't trust him. Finally, I don't think his protectionism and anti-globalism will work.
I am not an American but I was in travel for the entire duration while the counting for votes was going on in America. I watched every single moment and witnessed the voting trends. I think Americans have voted on foreign/immigrants and job policies and wanted to see a change from traditional politics.
Will he make it to January 20th though? There are several cases against him that have been impending (criminal) and people have been stalled, or paid off. A President cannot have a criminal record. There are still may things going on, such as the inquiry into the FBI interference which could lead to Supreme Court case to see if the election should be voided.
Hacked voting machines have been a problem since the dawn of the computer age. Does anyone think this election was hacked? How reliable are the computers?
I know a section of Americans are protesting Trump's election as President of America which reminds me of an earlier incident when an elected candidate was rejected. But I don't see the current president elect is going to face any such problem.
It's possible, but proving it is another matter. Put it this way, there are people working on how they can over turn the result legally, and there are several ways. In history it has been done a few times with deals made in Congress. Nothing has changed except for the media who report things much faster. The leaks (deliberate) are a concern because they have been planned, and thus what about things that aren't leaked. One thing is for sure is that there is an element of foul play, but making it a legal case is a much harder thing to do.
Well, I'm more concerned about my job because I may be losing this in the future since Trump became the president. I hope that's not the case but I'm sure he's not insane to think about losing when it comes to business. We've been providing US based companies a lot of favor and I guess Trump won't trample on that. I hope.
I think Trump will make a good president, some truths may sound bitter but have to be spoken. I think he is more real even though many aren't happy with his saying. I love the way he acknowledges Christians and good values.
Yes if everything goes right for him Trump would be the next man in the world's most powerful seat and a lot will depend on his decisions although he will have to follow the rules. He has been bit erratic if gauged with general standard but he must have certain points in his mind. Let's hear his point of view before discarding him entirely.
I live in Serbia, and here Trump is famous more than in America. People love him, why? I'm not so sure. He did say some nice words about people from Serbia but I'm not sure that is the main reason. I don't think anything major is going to change.
I agree, once they come and take the reins they have to act according to law of the land or face the music. I agree that some people have their ideas clearly cutout and wish to implement them but then public opinion and rules put them back in their limit. Trump might have said so many things about deporting millions of people from the US but he will have to act within rules.
Yes, but the Republicans control the other branches and Trump is wealthy and is known for paying people off. The fact that he has fired several people because he disagreed with him doesn't bode well. It's not like a reality show or company where you fire people on a whim (you can, but wise people don't) and those who think that nothing will change are living in cuckoo land I am afraid. The rules as you say are 'flexible' and there is an executive order he can use (or abuse). Maybe if you understood the complexities of how the US government works you would be more apprehensive just as the financial markets are.
No matter who it is, laws and any decisions have to go through many people of different government groups. The president can't just decide something and make it happen. The United States might change a bit for the better or worse but in 4 years, if he didn't do such a good job, someone else will be our new president. There won't be much change either way. I think it's just the fact that he's said some crude things make people angry that he's the new president but everyone has said crude things.
Well, I've just read he wants to use waterboarding as a means of torture and to keep Guantanamo Bay open. I doubt any sane person would think that is a good idea considering what stories have come out. In any case the electoral college votes in December will be officially be counted and who knows if those states who backed Trump will do officially?
I really don't know what to think now as I thought America wouldn't be safe either way. I didn't want Trump to win because I feel racism will arise and many people with me victims of those who think they are more because of the race they are. Now people will see themselves unequal again, we are all human not a race.
They can declare as many insane laws as they want but it doesn't mean the sane will stand for it and pass it no matter how much they support the president. Saner laws have been trashed so I'm sure laws such as these will be trashed as well. Everything will be the same for the most part.
I am more than curious now since I have heard that Trump has decided to cut jobs for Indians by imposing new Visa rules which will directly have adverse effect on Indian professionals. I am looking forward and keeping a close watch on every related news. I hope the latest warning by Trump to American manufacturers to stay inside the country will not make big difference.
My voice will not make any sense because I don't live in the US and I am not an American. However, I need to tell this, Trump is not a good man. He is intolerant and egoist man. He does not believe in coexistence.