Sleep is a vital component in the whole weight loss process. Studies show that sleep will raise your metabolism and suppress your appetite, whilst it allows your body to rest and recover. Although you may be leading a lifestyle that is active along with a diet that is balanced, it is important that you ensure that every night you get at least eight hours of sleep. Do you guys get enough sleep daily?
Unfortunately no. And sleep loss is absolutely the most underrated part of any attempt to get in shape and loss weight. The body needs rest and recovery and a good nights sleep helps restart your metabolism. The one thing is some studies don't think 8 hours is needed every night, but only 6-7 hours per night. The most important thing though is getting that good nights rest to let your body recover
Odd that you should say eight hours, I've read a lot of studies on this, and though they all agree on the need for proper sleep at night it is not predicated on an 8 hour cycle. Most of them emphasize REM, which is really when your body repairs itself. On the question, I have been horrendous about getting sleep usually achieving only 3-5 hours, and it isn't even restful, REM sleep. I feel great after 6 uninterrupted hours personally.
Ugh, I wish I get enough sleep at night. I have horrible insomnia and it sucks. I am a morning person and usually get up at 5:15 AM each morning. Around 7:00 PM is when I start my workout. I always get it done and I have energy afterwards but I do feel the effects of insomnia later in the day. When I am well rested, I am much more determine and energized to do a great exercise session. Lately, my insomnia hasn't been as bad as usual. Within the past 3 weeks I have been getting a great night's sleep. Maybe that's because I was hired at a new job.
I do, but interestingly enough, as I get more used to the routine of working out regularly I tend to need less sleep. When I'm not workin out regularly I can sleep for 8 hours and feel sluggish in the morning. When I'm working out regularly I sometimes only need about 4 hours of sleep and I feel great. Maybe I'm weird in that regard, but I can't complain since I have more time to do stuff.
I think it depends on the quality of the sleep one is getting. I only sleep 5 to 6 hours daily and I feel it's more than enough. Or maybe I'm just getting old . Anyway, it's my first time to learn that enough sleep can contribute to weight loss. I will definitely Google more about this.
I make every effort to get 8 hours a night. Sometimes I don't stay asleep very well though. I know sleep is important because there have been times when I couldn't sleep well or enough and I struggled to get through the day so badly. Sometimes if I am truly exhausted I end up unintentionally visualizing my sinking to the floor and taking a nap right there, wherever that happens to be. It's super annoying when I can't seem to focus because of fatigue. Sleep does have a direct impact on muscle strength too. When I have been super tired from lack of sleep I struggle so much in dance classes. Once I almost ended up crying I was so frustrated because I couldn't do the adagio, I was just about falling over because I was so tired I didn't have my usual muscle tone.
Sleep is very important for human health and general fitness, but even though I recognize the great benefits, sometimes I just can't get to sleep in time. I've seen studies though that some people require more and some require less to be fully functional and healthy, and that 7-8 hrs is simply an average.
It's really big and really effective. I think this is the most easiest sweat-free way to lose weight. Of course when you are all day asleep, you will automatically avoid eating, but still your body would have to continue burning up calories because they would still have to continue on functioning. Another good thing with this is that you wouldn't have to deal with controlling yourself of not eating this and that.
Hey guys, please keep in mind that the 8 hour recommendation by many doctors is only an estimate but it should be close to that figure as possible. Some doctors even recommend 10 hours sleep. From research I have seen the sleep cycle lasts approximately 90 minutes and we should cycle at least 4 times. I also believe that if you are unable to get 6-8 hours of continuous sleep for whatever reason, then try having short naps during the day. What do you guys think?
I agree. I read an article once that said that you are more likely to be hungry if you don't get enough sleep, and I found this to be true for myself at least. Whenever I lacked sleep I would always feel very hungry throughout the day and it caused me to eat more than usual. Since then I've started to sleep a lot more and even though sometimes I veer off my schedule I try and get myself back into my routine.
You are actually burning calories when you sleep. You energy for the day depends on how much energy refuel your body needs when you sleep.