The problem with the way you think

Discussion in Off Topic Discussion & General Questions started by JaydonTyler • Jun 16, 2014.

  1. JaydonTyler

    JaydonTylerActive Member

    May 18, 2014
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    I'm saying "you" as in most people. Chances are, this is referring to you.

    People always want to better their life, but they dont want to put in the effort needed to do so. They want to quit being unhealthy, but they are too weak to change. The list goes on. Everyone wants to do better, but many are not strong enough to do so.

    What is it that stops you? It's you. You stop yourself.

    You and all of your excuses have lead to the life you are living right now. Every time you have an idea and plan to better your life, the plan collapses before it even gets going. You are weak. You are not independent. You don't have what it takes to do it on your own. You are a waste of life.


    It is your choice. If you choose to quit making excuses - if you choose to start being disciplined, you will do whatever you desire in this life. It takes a strong independent person to achieve great things. You cant be relying on anyone or anything. Success begins and ends in your mind. So quit making excuses and focus on being different. Be strong for once. Show yourself that you arent a waste of life. Create a stronger version of yourself.

    Weak people dont belong on this planet. I say "waste of life", because you are. What do you offer the evolution of our planet? Nothing. The way to offer something, is to create something special inside yourself. Create a strong person that others can be inspired from.

    The best way to help others is to lead by example. Set a good example. Show them what it's like to be strong and to accomplish your goals. Show them that they dont have to be weak. That it is a choice they are making. Show them that they are stronger then they are choosing to believe.

  2. Ridge


    Jun 4, 2014
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    Most people want to change themselves for the better. But not as badly as they want to remain comfortable, because change is scary and takes work..
  3. JaydonTyler

    JaydonTylerActive Member

    May 18, 2014
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    That is true. Some people don't want to change as bad as they might say. Some people just like the idea of change. but liking an idea is not enough.
    No one said you have to change, it is a personal choice. but if you want to, then you need to be disciplined and make it happen. thats how i look at it.
  4. Nickchick

    NickchickWell-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2013
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    I can tell your post is most likely me sparking you to write it. I mean for the most part I agree. Many people do have that problem but I wouldn't say that at all for myself. I mean to an extent even with myself I would agree. However, I have sat there and blamed myself for everything under the sun believe me. I need to stop that. There are other forces at work besides just me. The self blame is just my father talking in my head because he would always play the blame game to my mom.
    It's easy to say yeah you have the power to make it happen. Well sure that is you. Maybe you are more intelligent than I or luckier than I. I've made things happen sure I can be confident about that but it only happened when there wasn't much competition. I've experienced way too much in my life that I couldn't control to think that I do have the power to do anything I want. Many people don't understand because they haven't had the life that I had. I was so passionate about getting a job before. When I get my hopes up too high they are shot to pieces.
    #4Jun 16, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2014
  5. JaydonTyler

    JaydonTylerActive Member

    May 18, 2014
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    No, it was just a random post intended on making people look at them selves objectively. My post was about creating a winning mindset/attitude. If you think positive and stay determined, there is little in this life that you cannot accomplish. If you doubt yourself and make excuses, there is little in this life that you can.
  6. VTEC 9/12/44

    VTEC 9/12/44Member

    Jun 8, 2014
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    I think I understand what you mean.
    Some time ago, I've gone on Weight Watchers due to my poor eating habits and the fact that I used to take steroids for my asthma when I was a kid. I wanted to lose weight and be healithier. After all, my father has diabetes and I don't want to get it too. It wasn't easy, I hated it at first. I even quit for a while. Then, I willingly went back on it and actually kept to it. It worked. I had more discipline over myself than I used to so things worked out for me. I've lost about 100 lbs and plan to lose more.
    Compare that story to the one about another member of my family. Janie is my...mother's cousin, I think? Anyway, she wants to lose weight but has little discipline. She has had problems in the past and is prediabetic. Her plan involves losing weight fast, rather than slowly over time like with W.W., with quick weight-loss things/diets. She is impatient, as well. Because of this, she might lose a little but then the weight goes back up. She probably uses food as a reward for herself as well, another bad idea. She says Weight Watchers doesn't work for her and won't try the new system they have.

    I'm not saying all this to brag, nor to promote Weight Watchers. What I'm trying to do is give an example of how JaydonTyler can be correct in his idea, to illustrate an example where it can be shown practically.
    Is this a good one?
  7. JaydonTyler

    JaydonTylerActive Member

    May 18, 2014
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    I'm 100% correct for those that want to step their game up and take things to another level. But, if this isnt what you want, then what i say has little meaning. It depends on the person.

    For myself, I could probably be called crazy for the way I approach weight lifting these days. When I feel tired and am about to end the exercise, I tell myself thats the easy thing to do. Taking the easy way out gets you easy results. If you want results that are above the majority of others, you need to do what they arent doing. You need to do more. I tell myself stop being weak, just do it. Stopping right now - when I have more to give, would be weak. This is how I choose to go about things to push myself to another level because, that is what I desire.
  8. Nickchick

    NickchickWell-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2013
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    Thinking positive and staying determined is not enough for certain things. You can work the hardest you've ever done in your life but you're going to get nowhere if you don't take the right approach. It didn't get me anywhere with getting a job. It means nothing if you don't have the resources. If I got better information about how to get the job I want then I would certainly be willing to do it but every time I've asked someone on the internet, they don't really tell me how. They just mostly tell me not to give up.
  9. JaydonTyler

    JaydonTylerActive Member

    May 18, 2014
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    That is true, nothing is certain. But at least with this mindset you would give yourself the best opportunity to succeed by putting in more effort. Nothing is guaranteed, but you can improve your odds.
  10. Ridge


    Jun 4, 2014
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    It sounds like you're trying to skip to the end of the process. Before you focus on getting the job focus on finding/ developing the right approach, or building the right resource base.
  11. Ruth B.

    Ruth B.Active Member

    May 12, 2014
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    Everything starts with a thought. I think what I would say that has not been said here on this thread, is that before I take action, I stop to see if I am 'aligned' up with it. I mean, we all know and experience the flow so to speak and when we are not really ready and take action and then nothing works. That flow will always be with both our heart and our head.
  12. JaydonTyler

    JaydonTylerActive Member

    May 18, 2014
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    I like what you said and completely agree. Not everyone is designed for every path in life. You can change your design by working hard and creating a different version of yourself that fits a certain path, but even then you might not be destined for it. Lets use basketball as an example. A 7 foot tall person has a better chance of becoming a professional basketball player then a 6 foot tall person has. The shorter person needs to work a lot harder to have a chance of landing on the path of becoming a pro basketball player. This is not a path that anyone can walk. Just because you may want to become a pro basketball player and you work hard, you might not ever accomplish that goal. It's not for everybody. In fact, no path is for everybody, but everyone has their own paths that they can follower easier then others. We all have our own skills and need to utilize them in realistic ways.

    No idea is a bad idea, but every idea has a different level of chance to it for each person. Know what you're get at and enjoy doing and you will find paths suited to you.

    When you come across paths that fit into your life, don't give up on them. Greatness does not come freely. You need to work hard and put your all into it. If the path is right for you, greatness will be achievable and you will open yourself up to living the life you dream of.
  13. mythman

    mythmanActive Member

    Mar 21, 2014
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    That's why Jesus says to seek The Kingdom of God---we all want it to be 'good for ourselves' first, but if we seek "the good of the many" first then we realize that our own want's aren't too important.

    Okay, `coz it looked a little like you were cutting-down 'dependents' like myself. Yes, I am a dependent. And I don't hope to become independent. Oh, I'm not living off of anyone else's income (sure, if they give a dinner then I'll be there; but my rent-&-utilities come outta MY paycheck.); but I BARELY make enough to do that!