I think it's important in terms of motivating yourself. A lot of people end up easily quitting when they clearly can push themselves more. This is where that partner comes in. Obviously, you want a partner that is preferably slightly fitter than you. Thus, they will push you hard. I have noticed that I worked much harder when I have a partner with me. Do you agree?
Yes, I do agree with you. I can easily exercise on my own, but having a workout buddy is so much more fun. Also, they hold you accountable - so you are so much less likely to skip a workout. Also, you can motivate each other as you pointed out...and it is a great experience to share with someone. There are many benefits to it!
Yes I believe that people definitely do better with a partner. It's almost like you don't want to hurt their feelings so you bust your hump to try harder.
Oh definitely agree. That 3 mile fast walk around a lake is a lot easier when you have someone to pace with you and talk to you and keep you motivated. One thing I've noticed is that if I don't have anyone who can physically be there as a workout partner, sometimes posting online in a forum or on social media, or emailing a friend about plans and goals can be just as helpful. Virtual workout partners, if you will. I participate in a pushup thread in another forum and posting how many I've done and seeing the results of others motivates me to keep going day after day.
I agree 100%, totally different world without a training partner. A few years back, my buddy and I were making nice gains in the gym, and then we slowly got away from the gym, the real world kicked in; jobs and girlfriend. My intensity at the gym was not the same, my gains were slowed extremely and I slowly lost interest. It was tough getting back in there, but I am used to training by myself,although I would still prefer a partner.
A workout partner is indeed very necessary. My son is an athlete, during his younger years of practice he would have at least three or four training partners . one or two even better than him , so while training in the group, they used to push , motivate and sometimes even out of jealousy want to perform better than each other. Today he stands alone and has to train alone ( the rest all gave up). So sometimes it becomes really boring for him. However he enjoys the actual competition because he knows these guys are also trained and good. But that is the group he meets in the Nationals, at the lower levels , its again a one man race which bores him.Well The whole idea is if you have a training partner its awesome, but then you can do it alone too. If you ahve a goal and your sight is fixed on that goal, then everything else is secondary until you achieve that goal. In this case a little weight loss and healthier body.
I love having a workout buddy, no, just someone to be with when I exercise. They make the time go by a lot faster and the overall fun more enjoyable.
This thing really works. I think it is in human nature that we are competent and we feel insecure even if most of us wont admit it. Having a partner that is more fit than you will give you more courage to work out for you to achieve his same fitness and to surpass him if possible. I have a training partner but luckily, I am more fit than him
I do agree. With a partner by your side, not only you don't get bored or distracted so quickly but also increase your own performance in exercise. A partner is always needed I think. It is really helpful at my point.
I think work out partners can make it really fun. I exercise with my kids. Its hard to find someone who is on the same schedule.
I'm lucky, because my next door neighbour comes for walks with me, and we go swimming together, so my workout buddy is right on my doorstep. We always do more together than individually, and we work harder too, so we get more from the workout. Also, if you have company, the time goes more quickly, and the whole thing seems so much more enjoyable.
I agree that having a workout partner is really important. My workout partner is my wife and I find it hard to stay consistent if I am working out by myself. She just gave birth 6 days ago (C-Section), so I am waiting for her to get better so we can start working out again. All of our children were born early so she was not allowed to work out for her entire pregnancy. So I have been starting and restarting the Insanity workout program for the last 10 months. You really need someone there to push you to work out on the days you really don't feel like it.
I usually work out alone but I know having a motivated partner to workout with is great motivation. You can encourage one another plus with another person there it helps to make the time go by faster during your workout.
I really need a partner for weightlifting. It's more for spotting and for adding the extra muscle I need to get weight up that is a bit too heavy. I can get some motivation from partners, but I have grown up working out without help. Honestly, I would think it's kind of weird to have somebody trying to push me. I'm not saying it doesn't work, but it doesn't sound like something I would want to do.
Ever since I began working out seriously, I have wanted a workout partner. The problem is that no one will commit to it, or they would do it for a while and then make excuses. I am somewhat disappointed that people do not take fitness more seriously. An hour a day of your life will do wonders for your health. Anyway, now I just do my workouts solo, but it can be much more fun with someone there, as well as motivating.
I like to work out a lone and I think I work best that way. Though most people I know don't like to work out, so I just motivate myself.
I never really gave it much thought, but as it turns out, my tennis partner from where I work could be considered my workout partner. If it weren't for him, I would not be getting in better shape. We play very competitive tennis even though he is an intermediate player, and I am not much more than a beginning level player. I rely more on my athleticism to compete against him. I am 54 years old, he is 63.
I'd have liked to have an exercise partner too, especially on days when I just couldn't be bothered to push myself to work out. Having someone to do it with means you are half committed to sticking to your appointment, and have a common goal to achieve. That said, for outdoor walks and jogs, I prefer being on my own with my ipod, as walking at someone else's pace is something that doesn't work for me.
Since I've been to the gym, I've had more fun going with my fiancee than being by myself. Although I still work out well when I'm alone, it's still better with my lady. We really don't motivate each other, but time goes by quicker and you don't realize your working out when you have someone to spend time with and talk to. The only issue is that I make her laugh too much.
As much as I love working out alone, the only other person I can tolerate working out with is my sister. But she and our mom work out together now to Jillian's Body Revolution (too high-impact for me). But I do get more motivated to work out when I know someone else is counting on me.