Last month, I was really depressed of my weight and decided to do something about it, but busy person that I am, I only had limited time to go to the gym. I opted to just jog in the morning though, which is better than no exercise at all. Another decision that I am so glad I made was to skip on fastfood. I always go to fast food for snacks, and I let go of that for a month. Instead of burgers and fries and softdrinks, I had fresh fruits like bananas and apples. After a month, I noticed my dresses fit me just right and I look good in the mirror. I lost not much weight, but still, there was a loss, and I am so glad about it. Another great result of skipping fast food: I was able to save money! Fruits are always cheaper than burgers, I noticed. In short, due to my non-visit in fast foods, I gained money and I lost weight. For me, that is more than lovely!
I also notice these same exact benefits from skipping fast food and this is the main reason that I started to eat healthy and why I just change my whole lifestyle altogether. I noticed how much money I would spend each month and it really adds up when you go out one at very week.
I stopped eating fast food and convenience food awhile ago. I have lost weight and saved money as a result. It helps me to control what I eat. There's a lot of hidden sugar and salt in fast and convenience food. I use the money I save to buy more organic food.
I wish I were organized enough to swear off convenience foods. I'm not interested in losing weight as I'm already pretty thin, but the cost of fast food adds up over time compared to the cost of cooking. Not to mention, anything I cook I know will not only be healthy but taste way better than a greasy slice of dollar-pizza. The issue is that convenience foods are, well, convenient. It sucks to be stuck out and about all day with no time to go home and cook. I have to remember that if I'm going to be out for more than a few hours, that means I need to cook extra in the morning and bring it with me, or I'll be stuck eating something from McDonald's at lunchtime.
I won't eat fast food anymore.. it's been a long time. Eating healthy in general should be the way to go anyway. People mainly focus on their appearance when deciding whether or not to eat right. If only they could see what's going on inside their bodies when they eat junk.. they'd never touch the stuff. It's immediate, but it's not always noticeable and over time, it's dangerous and not easy to turn around. So don't just be thankful for the weight loss or the money saved.. you really did your overall health a huge favor and down the road, you'll be even more thankful, trust me.
I have reduced the amount of fast food I consume drastically during the latest months. The difference I see is pretty amazing on my body, but mainly in my savings, since cooking meals is always cheaper than grabbing a fast food meal from any store for me. I try to keep my caloric intake at around 2,000 to 2,500 calories, so I am not losing any weight by this, only fat due to better nutrition!
That's because fast food has ridiculously high amounts of calories. Have you guys seen the nutrition guide they have for Burger King? One Whopper Jr. has the exact same number of calories as one small serving of their fries - and it's around 300+ calories each of those. My daily caloric requirement is around 1500, and if, let's say I had fast food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, I'd be going over that 1500 and I'd surely be gaining weight. Nowadays I just stick with cooking at home - it's healthier, cheaper and at least you get to cook what you want. Also, you can just bring some to work as packed lunch or something.
I only eat fast food 3-4 times a year. I have lost over 50 pounds by eating healthy and exercising regularly. Fast food can be very expensive and its not healthy. I feel healthier when I stay away from fast food. I purchase mostly fresh fruits and vegetables from my local farmers market and I eat mostly chicken or fish. Fast foods should not be eaten consistently, because it can make you feel depressed, sick, and tired.
My sister has 5 children and at one time it was just easier to pass by the fast food drive through for her than to prepare her kid's meals. She noticed that although each child only had a burger (and not those big ones at that) they still gained weight even though their routine did not change. When she decided to go back to preparing pack lunches the weight gain stopped. It might take a bit more effort but steering clear of fast foods not only saves you money but also helps control weight gain.
To be honest, as a vegetarian, I never really bother too much with fast food anyway. There are options but they would quickly become repetitive if I made a habit of eating them. I do tend to find that if I eat them I become extremely tired due to dehydration: they are always so salty! However, when our kitchen was being rebuilt a few years ago, we had to live off microwave meals for a couple of days. I felt pretty rotten actually. It was just a general feeling of sluggishness. When I started eating "properly" again, I did notice that my vision suddenly improved: lines seemed sharper and colours seemed more vivid. It happened very suddenly so it did feel rather strange.
That doesn't sound like a bad idea I really need to cut down on my fast food I eat a lot of fast food and don't have much time for excersize so my weight is starting to be a bit of a problem for me and it does get me down at times
This is a frugal forum and I'm someone who likes to save money, so I rarely buy fast food anyway because one combo meal is $7. At home you can cook an entire dinner for $7 and have leftovers. It doesn't make sense to spend $7 on a combo meal for one person when you can make dinner for a family for $7. For me, it's not even tempting to spend my money on fast food, it goes against my thrifty nature.
Indeed, the amount of calories is ridiculous in all of that plastic food. But there is no other way of doing it. It's called fast food exactly for that reason, it's done fast and without much care and it's ingested faster, which isn't good for your digestive system.
There are plenty of and looking (and feeling!) better definitely not being the least of them. I've been skipping on fast food a lot lately, but haven't cut it out completely. I may do that eventually, though.
Good to know that I am not the only one on this. I am trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle so I skipped fast food and good also that there are other benefits for doing that. I wish that more and more people do this not only for their benefit, but also to serve as role models to younger generations. I observe that kids now a days are into fast food! Seeing examples from adults is the best way to ward them off in that place. But sometimes, we also could not blame the parents for we all know how busy life is and preparing food probably does not have a big space in their schedule. But I really hope that in time, at least, these kids will realize on thier own how un-healthy always eating in fast food can be.
When I say I live in feast food I mean I have it twice a day as my main meals. Recently I got food poisoning and didn't eat any takeaways for two weeks, in that time I lost nearly a stone in weight. Yesterday I had a takeaway and couldn't even finish it because it tasted revolting, maybe my body is starting to like me cooking.
Good to hear about your success! I myself have sworn off fast food as well, but I do still indulge once in a while. And just judging by the feeling itself, I can really tell that fast food used to way me down so much, not only physically but I now believe it was affecting me mentally as well. Those sugary sodas are also a big culprit, I agree. People need to drink a lot more water and give up on sugary drinks.
That's fantastic!!! Fast food is so damaging to your internal systems and can throw all sorts of things out of whack. Not only is there extra fat and chemicals/preservatives but there is very little nutritional value in the majority of the food. I am sure that your body feels much better just because you are getting more vitamins and nutrients from your healthy snacks!
Congratulations on the weight loss and the money gain. You may not have much time to exercise, but making a minor effort is better than no effort at all. You might want to look into ways of getting the most out of what little time you have with specialized work outs to help you reach your goals. There are so many reasons to skip fast food, but having more pocket money to spend on yourself when you reach your weight loss goal is the best, by far.