Are you a tea person or a coffee person? I am a tea person, I can't start my morning without getting a cup of tea first. Plus, I think tea is a bit healthier because it doesn't have as much caffeine and is lighter on the system. I have also found that for me coffee just doesn't work, I actually get a really weird eye twitch when I drink coffee, it's embarrassing.
Actually I've never had to weight the effects of either tea or coffee on the body to decide which of the two I'll use. I've tried both and didn't like the taste of coffee so I stopped drinking coffee. I don't like tea that much either though. I'd choose drinking chocolate over the two anytime.
I can enjoy both almost equally, they just have different purposes to me. I'll drink coffee in the morning and during the day to "perk up" and get a little boost at work, but when I'm home relaxing I prefer to drink some tea, there are just so many different kinds available that I like to try out different ones and combinations, it's kind of fun.
I HAVE to have coffee in the morning. The only exception to this is if there's no coffee maker where I'm staying, but even then if I know that ahead of time I would bring those instant coffee things. But for the rest of the day, it's definitely tea for me. I especially love green tea and chamomile, and oddly English breakfast tea after dinner
I love my tea in the morning and throughout the day. I have never been much of a coffee drinker and will occasionally have it if it's all that available but I much prefer black tea for caffeine.
I'm afraid I'm a coffee addict. It's a terrible affliction! I can't function in the morning until I've had a couple of strong cups, and then I drink it throughout the day to keep me going. I know it's bad for me, but when I try to cut it out, I end up with terrible headaches. In the evening, after 8pm, I'll switch to drinking herbal tea.
That's really interesting about your eye twitch. I know of quite a few people who are reacting strongly to coffee. It sounds like your nerves get a little overloaded by the caffeine stimulation. I love coffee but only ever have one cup a day. It's a particular aromatic brand from Colombia that I am fond of. I usually drink it with soy milk. Ordinary tea has never really appealed much to me, except for herbal tea.
I would have to say that if my life came down to those 2 choices, I would have to go with tea; I am from the south lol We have been having water issues in the area, and have been unable to have either one, which is sad to me!
Both, whenever I really feel like them. Have you ever brewed strong tea/coffee and used the resulting liquid in baking? The results can be quite tasty. Look up a recipe for "hermits" sometime and you'll see what I mean.
I like both. I prefer to drink coffee in the mornings and I can't have a pancake breakfast without a nice cup of coffee to go with it. In the afternoons and evenings, I prefer tea. My favorites are chamomile and chai. Chai tea is great drink on a cold winter days.
I drink coffee more, so I would have to say that I'm a coffee person. I also drink tea if we have one, but since we don't always have tea in the house, I don't get to drink it often. And I drink both of them cold, never hot, since I hate drinking hot drinks.
I love both, but if I had to chose which I would prefer to be drinking it would have to be tea. Coffee may taste good, but tea is far more healthy. The antioxidants alone are a good reason to drink it, but the lower amount of caffeine adds an extra health benefit. My preferences on teas are Chamomile Lavender and Jasmine Green Tea. Each has a nice flavor, but also seems to have a calming affect on me.
I'm not a fan of coffee. I'm a huge fan of tea. Coffee is a problem. I don't care for cream or sugar and that, I suppose, affects the coffee enjoying experience. The health benefits of tea seem to outweigh the health benefits of coffee.
I prefer coffee then tea. However, I started replacing my coffee for some tea. Now every day I have green tea, black, cinnamon with apple and a bunch of good ones I bought. They are growing on me, even though I still don't like them as much. I make tea for everybody else in my department, so we're all getting a little addicted to drinking tea instead of coffee. I really hope that's healthy and that we get benefits from that replacement.
I've had my fair share of both over the years, but I'd have to take the side of Coffee hands-down. It's a much more convenient and instant way of feeling energized than Tea, for my metabolism at least. I tried to shift to Green Tea because I've heard it's supposed to be really healthy for you, but no luck. I just can't get by with the taste, and I'm a man with really sensitive taste buds. I've installed an Espresso machine in my kitchen which has made it super-easy to make my morning coffee. All I have to do is insert a flavor capsule on the top of the machine, and bam! Coffee ready within seconds (a minute max).