Hello all, I agree that both swimming and running are good for a man to be fit and healthy all the time. But in order to lose weight in a comparatively less period of time which one is mostly preferred? Regular running in the morning hours helps our body to get rid of excess fats and to burn out the extra calories. Running is a great way to get into shape and it benefits almost every part of our body. It also lifts our mood up and is incredibly effective in making you healthy in a number of ways. While on the other hand swimming is consistently found to be among the top recreational activities chosen by public as one of the best exercise. It achieves coordinated movement of the limbs and the body and also keeps the lungs healthy as it also involves a kind of breathing exercises. It has the power to imbue us with new strength, enhanced energy and a more youthful sense of well-being. Well, in your opinion which do you think is more preferable in order to lose weight easily?
Running doesn't need any fancy acquisition of skills. I live in a small town, far away from any major water body so I've never learned to swim simply because it would do me no good. For exercising therefore, jogging has been what I do, to stay fit.
To lose weight, you need to get out your comfort zone. Many people do the same thing everyday and expect to lose weight from it. Your body adjusts only to what it needs adjusting to. So if you're running the same speed everyday for the same length, you're body already adjusted and adapted to the work you made yourself do. That's why weight loss is a challenge to some people, the comfort zone needs to be left out of.
I would actually debate how good running is for someone, but to answer your question without boring anyone, I pick swimming lol. I think it's much better for you. Your weight is due to your food, whether big or small. I haven't looked into what swimming does exactly, but what I do know is water is SO good for the mind and that's good enough for me.
I'll have to pick running. When it comes to weight loss, it is absolutely the best exercise you can do (well, at least for me) unfortunately, many people think that the longer they run, the more weight they'll lose. And that is not true! If you need to lose weight fast, the best option would be HIIT training. The idea is very simple, but effective. Instead of running at a slow pace for 30 minutes, you run as fast as you can for 1 minute, rest for 30 seconds and then run again for 2 minutes and rest for 1. There are a lot of forms and variations to HIIT training, this is just a simple example.
Running is more accessible. To lose weight though, the most important thing is to operate at a caloric deficit. That is, if you DONT run and you sit on your butt all day and only burn for example, 1000 calories, eat LESS than 1000 calories that day. If you exercise too, and you burn 1300 calories in a day total, eat less than 1300 calories
I'd probably recommend swimming just because its more of a lifelong sport. Running and swimming are both very good for cardio and losing weight but in terms of your physical health by the time you get into your 40s and 50s your joints will just have had it and you'll have a hard time running. Swimming on the other half is no problem, probably one of the most popular sports amongst elders actually.
I like swimming than running, but there is no pool near my place so it's not possible. I have a back problem and my therapist told me that swimming will be good for my back. So if I have time I go swimming every weekend. It also help in losing weight.
I'd pick swimming, it's an overall workout, so you wouldn't need to do it for as long as you would with running. The only drawback, in my opinion, is that with running, you can at least choose a different environment daily, as opposed to just being in the same swimming pool everyday.
I would also pick swimming as well. Swimming is one of the rare sports where you will have fun even when you get exhausted. I absolutely love being in the stet whether I am alone swimming or playing ball with my friends. Its the perfect way to exercise and to get in shape.
For me it would be swimming without a doubt because I don't enjoy running. I love swimming in the ocean or lakes, when I can't I might do it in the pool as well, but that's not my favorite place to swim, I prefer outdoors.
Good point mate. You are perfect in saying that we need to get off our comfort zone if we really want some good result from what we do. This is the one frequently heard complaint with many who wanted to lose weight. They fix themselves into the boundaries of comfort and they feel that they are actually striving too hard to lose weight. If one decides somehow to lose weight, whatever it may be, they should surely sacrifice their comfort, though, to some extent.
Swimming is much easier on your joints than running, which is beneficial for injury prevention. However, weight bearing exercises, such as running, are more beneficial for healthy bones. As you have some issue with your back, I highly support your therapist because swimming surely fixes your problem. You also said that you don't have pools nearby and you go swimming once a week which is a compromising one. Hope your problem gets alleviated soon.
I personally prefer running as I like to run but running can be really hard on the joints as a lot of forces passes through your body when you run, especially if you run on harder surfaces. Swimming is excellent because it is low-impact which is good for recovery. The downside, in my opinion, is the chemicals in the swimming pools...
I would prefer swimming. I think that it is a nice exercise that can be really relaxing and fun to do. I dread the thought of running and the amount of energy it takes from you. I also like that swimming is a group activity so you can have lots of company.
If i could, i would choose swimming. While swimming you are constantly moving your body, and it takes only a few minutes to get you tired if you are not prepared. As soon as you get out of the water, gravity really takes a hit on you and you notice how tired you are. Also, it's very relaxing to just float away afterwards.
I would prefer swimming over running because I love spending time in the pool. I have learned swimming by myself when I accidentally put myself in into the pool, which I have a good time. Plus, I don't swim often except during the summertime because that's what I usually do during hot days in summer. I can run anytime during any day of the year, which I think I cannot go swimming during the wintertime.
I like swimming much more than running. I think it is easier on my body, on the joints. I do not have year round access to a pool though. I wish I was a runner. They always look lean and fit. If it wasn't so hard on the feet and knees, I would try running more often. Maybe I have to build up to running?
I would say swimming any day! I love swimming and actually really miss being able to go swimming. I was on the swim team while in school but haven't swam for a couple years, at least for fitness, since I don't really have anywhere to go. Ugh if only I could afford to have my own indoor pool. Writing this right now makes me wish I could go for a swim.
I actually like both, but for losing weight swimming is definitely the best option. It's dangerous if you're overweight and try to run since you can hurt your joints.