It is important to protect yourself from the suns rays, but sunscreen is packed with chemicals. Do you use sunscreen? If not, what do you use as an alternative?
I used a daily facial moisturizer with SPF in it. I will probably use it the rest of my life. Those of us who live in average to large cities are exposed to chemicals in almost everything. To suggest that avoiding sunscreen is the best way to avoid these chemicals seems like a random thing to avoid and ultimately probably would make very little difference in the big picture of chemical and toxin exposure. I also sort of weigh the pros and cons of chemicals in sunscreen with too much sun exposure. I don't know. I think cancer is more likely from the sun than the chemicals in the sunscreen. In the summer I never go to the pool without a big hat to keep sun off my face and chest. I use SPF on my kids and on myself.
If I'm out in the sun for a long time with minimal clothes on, then yes, I apply sunscreen all the time, liberally. Not only to protect myself, but because I'm white as a ghost and burn easily! But during my day-to-day, both my facial moisturizer and my skin foundation contain SPF in it, so I feel pretty protected in that sense. I've never been worried about the chemicals, honestly. I'm more concerned with skin damage from the sun.
I only use the sunscreen that comes in my moisturizer. It's only a SPF 15, but I never got the habit to use sunscreen... I think it's too sticky and makes your face look white in photographs with flash. I have sunscreen both in my moisturizer and foundation, so I never felt the need to you any extra.
I'm an outdoors person that's why sunscreen is a necessity for me. With global climate change, the intensity of the sun is really getting higher and skin cancer is always a risk from too much exposure from the suns uv rays. For me, sunscreen is really important, I just make sure that I read the label before buying and stick to the more natural ones with less chemicals. I use Badger's Natural sunscreen, it is organic and uses zinc oxide and other natural ingredients.
Yes, sunscreen is mostly chemicals, but I prefer to risk the chemicals than a bad burn. I use a combination moisturizer and spf 15 on a regular basis when I expect sun. I cycle a lot and the moisturizer seems to keep my skin from drying out a bit due to the wind. In the summer, I will use an spf 30 to block the sun. This actually reflects the heat and light to a certain extent and makes one a bit cooler. What I do not do is tan. I like a shady spot to sit around and read. I get enough exposure when I am active.
Sunscreen is a must in summer days around here. The sun burns so much that if you don't use sunscreen you will get a really bad experience afterwards. Many Norwegian tourists forget to use it and they are like lobsters the next day. I do not use it at the early morning hours, but it is a necessary addition to my bathing gear at noon.
I always use sunscreen on me and my kids, it's the first thing we do when we get to the beach. I don't know if the sunscreen hurts our skins or not, so far we didn't have any problems, but I did have my fair share of sunburn, so I think I am better off with the sunscreen.
Yes, sunscreen has a ton of chemicals but those chemicals are worth absorbing if they help prevent uv rays from inflicting all types of crazy damage on your body. UV rays not only make you wrinkle faster, but they promote all sorts of internal damage to your body's cells. Sunscreen is a clear must. Always, always wear sunscreen even in a cloudy day.