Occasionally you might find groceries which are getting close to their sell-by dates going on sale. Much as you can use some items even after their sell-by date did you know that stores at times use that against you? To most people a "Special Offer" label implies that the products/items are on sale. At times though, the products are selling either at the same price as a product that's not on sale or at times even slightly more expensive. Have any of you bought groceries which you thought were on sale only to discover later that you'd been duped?
I only heard of stores like The Body Shop mark their items "on sale" but in reality, the price was still the original price. I'm not sure if the price was higher though. It really pays to be vigilant and to list down the prices of the items so that you will know if ever they went down, but most of us don't really have the time or will to do that.
As long as you have your shopping list ready, finding out the prices of the products you intend to buy shouldn't be all that much of a hassle. All you have to do is get onto one of those online supermarketsLog InThis is basically for easy price comparisons. Once you're done and you head off to whatever store you shop at, you may recall some of the prices you saw. And if something isn't really on sale, you'll know it.