When I asked my pastor what I should do about 'my problem with women,' he told me I'm thinking too much about it. The way 'it' (the whole marriage-courtship mishigas) worked for him (and--I suppose--for everyone else) is ... they just 'did life' and let the marriage happen! But (and here's where The Thinking-Bug bites me) I 'do life' different-than-usual, and that (apparently) 'casts me out' of the list of eligible bachelors. The main difference (from my standpoint) is 'income'---my income isn't even close to the 'standard'Log In, but I "Log In." (... A Shame that 'income' plays such a heavy role in one's self-esteem---I spent over an hour researching 'average cost-of-living'! true, the slowness of my computer played its part in that research-time; but most of the reason I have such a slow computer is that my 'income' doesn't have space to buy a new one!) The Thinking wonders "How can J get back on the 'eligible bachelors'-list?" Simple logic says 'Go out & get a job'; however, that logic doesn't follow-through for me ... i.e. 'Having a job' does not make me a 'magnet for females who want to be wives.' I guess (in order that I can 'be right' without thinking about it) I should hang-out with other eligible bachelors. Where do eligible bachelors hang-out FOR FREE? The Non-Thinking directs me to the nearest bar, where I can park in a bar-stool & 'check out the ladies (& be checked-out in return).' But The Thinking is bound to return, telling me what wonderful things I COULD be doing if I weren't 'sitting in a bar' (e.g. I could be writing hilarious skits for Saturday Night Live or -one of its clones, could be finding a cure for cancer, -AIDS or -stupidity, could be feeding the children of some third-world country, could "discuss the Holy Book with the learn-ed men seven hours everyday!" (If I Were a Rich Man, Fiddler on the Roof)). So I Think the world & I are best served if I 'hang-out' at home (doing this or cooling The Thinking by watching television). But how can I do that and still be 'eligible'?
Ok, one thing I would recommend you do is Volunteer. Doing some kind of volunteer work will really help boost your self esteem. Several years ago I fell down the stairs and had to go on disability for a time. I ended up not having any self esteem and thought no one would ever hire me. I did check out volunteering in my city and started to volunteer at the local hospital. The staff there were very grateful to have me help them each week and would praise me. This helped me get my self respect back and about a year later, I got a full time job. The volunteering really boosted my courage to get a job.
Any way I could do that 'online'? From the comfort of my office-chair/recliner? The main thing ... I don't want to change out of my PJs.
I think it would be rare to find a volunteer job online. One thing I hate about the suggestion to volunteer if you can't find a job is that you have to spend money to get there. Why would it be efficient to pay to work for free just so I can get a chance at a job? It's just to network, very unlike an internship.
InLog Ined-out Oklahoma City, the main reason getting a job is 'so that you can buy & care-for a "way to get places".' (Oh, and there's food, clothing, heat & air, and home-ownership/rent & utilities ... most of which you can manage to get without 'a job.') I think the city PLANNED to have SPRAWL in order to keep up the 'demand' for employment---if you've got no job, you've got no 'asurance of future-money' & thus can't get a loan to buy a car. Sure, you can take the bus; but (and this is where Oklahoma City gets weird) THE ONLY BUS-STOPS ARE WITHIN WALKING-DISTANCE OF YOUR DESTINATION! (i.e. if you can walk to the nearest Oklahoma City bus-stop, you don't have to walk much farther to get where you're going) That's weird, because YOU WOULD THINK the city would plan public-transportation right along with every road it builds. It kinda does, in the form of the DMV & traffic-laws enforced by law-enforcement officials (city cops, suburb cops, 'Jack Reacher'-types). Maybe 'city hitchhiking' should be one of the many responsibilities that come with the driver's-license ... if you're driving & you see someone (or a group, if you've got room and plenty-of-time) 'going your way,' it's your responsability to see if you can transport them part of the way to their goal-destination ... especially in extreme weather-conditions! ... and don't internships pay travel-expenses?
That's crazy. I've never been to Oklahoma but I would think that even there it would be dangerous to pick up hitchhikers. Actually is it even legal to pick up hitchhikers? I don't know if internships pay travel expenses but even so it is more efficient because you're pretty much guaranteed a job after that permitted that it's a legitimate internship. Some companies scam you into giving them free labor but as long as you know it's a legitimate internship you're good to go.
Not any more-dangerous than riding the same bus as a ... well, they do have to be able to PAY for the bus. Anyway, I'm not talking about those scummy, homeless hitchhikers you see on TV. I'm just talking about 'people walking down the street' (when I say 'SPRAWL,' I mean "a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG WAY between your home & whatever you're going-to ... ESPECIALLY if you're wealthy, as the 'higher-quality' homes are even MORE sprawled-out!") Not for me