Eating is a necessity sometimes I can't follow this schedule. If I have a week where I'm a little short on money, I try to skip a meal just to save some money. I know this isn't the best idea, but I don't have a choice. I know times are hard right now, but have you ever skipped a meal to save money?
I haven't skipped a meal because of money, but I have skipped a meal because of work. I remember when we had our marathon executive committee meeting at city hall and I had to cover it for work, all I had were snacks for 12 hours. It was awful I tells yas! If you feel like skipping a meal, try snacking on crackers or apples. This helps your appetite until your next meal.
I wouldn't say specifically to save money. I have ended up doing it when I was too busy at work or there wasn't much in the house to eat and I needed to wait until the next day to go to the store, whether because it was closed, time, or even money at that point. I would rather split a meal in two and eat less at each than to skip the meal entirely, though.
Like Andrew, I have only ever skipped a meal because of work. When you have some money, why don't you buy some ingredients to cook meals that you can refrigerate? Cook them in a large amount and whenever you need to eat, just heat it up. You can also bring some to work.
I would advise you to find the cheapest solution to give you something that will fill you up the most. Perhaps some canned foods that you can split up over two meals, like tuna and a couple of slices of bread. Also, figure out the timing of what you will eat and when you'll eat, so you can go to bed before you get hungry again.
I have done it in the past. I went without meals so my kids could eat. It is not a good thing to do and I have learned that it is better to eat a little bit of something instead. You can do some serious damage to your health if you skip meals alot. At least try to eat a peanut butter sandwhich!
Yes, I have skipped meals in the past. Often because I was too busy, for real, and there was a time because I was low on was a temporary situation but nonetheless I was too proud to admit it and I was in a foreign country. Luckily I was invited out almost every day and the school I taught at gave one food. I popped popcorn and basically chowed on that for days until my money cleared.
Ive gone without meals so my younger brother could eat. I would do it again for you my daugther in a heart beat. Sometimes its difficult to make ends meet and when someone younger and helpless needs a meal I can't say no. I would say the best thing to do is keep hydrated and avoid over exerting your energy. Food gives you energy to keep going so if you are running out of food and you will be skipping a meal you should start taking things a little slower to help you slow down how quickly you are burning the energy. Keep liquids in your system to keep you going. Many times thirst can present itself in hunger. You can also try rationing your food. Have a little less in every meal but spread it out for the whole day. Yes its difficult - I've been there and I totally understand. Good luck and I hope you get through
I have done this in the past (I used to be homeless) but I'll never do it again. I find that skipping meals is damaging not only to health, but to productivity, and skipping meals because of work has only ever just made me make silly mistakes because I was hungry and not focused enough. If I'm ever really strapped for cash and/or, I'll just make a whole lot of pasta in the morning (a dollar will get you a lot of pasta) and just keep eating pasta until I run out. Again, not the healthiest choice, but much better than starving.
When I do skip a meal I don't do anything to exert too much energy. It's bad enough that I didn't eat, but I don't want to make myself sick from overworking myself. I don't do this often only when I really need to save money. I don't recommend anyone to do this, but in an emergency you have to compromise your own health. I might eat a light snack to get some energy, because it makes me sleepy to skip a meal.
I do skip meals, intentionally and voluntarily. Long ago, there had been times when I had to skip meals to save money but those days are way in the past. Now I skip meals to eat less to reduce my weight. Of course, I do save some money in the process but that's incidental.
In an emergency, your health is all you have left. You can't make money without using your body and/or your brain, so it's a decent financial investment to take care of those.
Before, I used to skip meals to try and lose weight, but I later found out that it doesn't exactly help. If I really wanted to lose weight, I had to cut down on what I ate, but not necessarily remove an entire meal from my schedule. So since then, and up until now, I've lessened my carbohydrate intake in my meals, and I'm happy to say I've lost a good 5 pounds since a month.
I have done it both to save money and to save time. Its not the best idea since your health is at the end of the day the only thing you really have as an investment. I hope things improve for you.
I have been lucky enough to have to do to this, but there was a time when I was going to a stay at a friend's house and she likes to eat out at fancy restaurant and easily spends $60 a meal at places. So I went to the market beforehand and bought a salad and a can of beans and some wine for under $5 (Fresh and Easy). I made this at her place and we both ate for under $5. It was the best feeling ever.
This is one of the reasons why I have skipped meals before. Sometimes it comes down to poor meal planning on a budget or an unexpected expense that breaks you until the next payday. More often, I skip meals because I forget to eat or it's become habit. For instance, I almost never eat breakfast unless you count coffee. I just don't have an appetite in the morning, even though I know it's an important meal.
I hate skipping breakfast! I do it way too often, when I wake up late and I only have time for coffee. Usually when that happens, I'll find a way to make it up later by having a late breakfast and then a late lunch, but it puts me in a grumpy mood all day anyway.
I never skip a meal to save on money. However, I do end up skipping most meals because I am distracted by work and kids. I often only eat 1 meal a day, which is typically dinner. I always try to make sure that we have a small stockpile of easy to make meals. That way if we are low on money, there will be something to eat.
Generally I don't try to skip breakfast, because it helps with your days metabolism and all that. I can handle the day without lunch, even without a little snack in the day. It helps sometimes to skip on meals, but I try not to do it too much.