Siri isn't really an app, but does anyone else have the virtual assistant Siri on their iPhone? I have a lot of trouble with it even on simple request like a two word text. It never works like it does on the commercials.
You should have known better that infomercials don't really reflect the exact capability of the product. And what did you mean by saying Siri isn't an App?
Well it is true that Siri is not an app and was actually introduced first in the iPhone 4S as part of the phone, forming one of the phone's most distinctive features of that time. Advertisements being advertisements are meant to tug at the heartstrings of Apple fans and will definitely only show how Siri works flawlessly! It isn't common to hear of people having issues with Siri such as her understanding your words differently or doing things completely different from your instructions. I guess that's just the limitations of artificial intelligence and accents, slurs or pronunciation which differs from one person to another would have an impact on the way Siri responds.
First, jleadbet is correct in saying that Siri is not an app, but rather, it is a built-in feature of the phone. I have had some experience with Siri, and I personally think that it would work perfect in the conditions of the commercial. That is, quiet, almost no background noise, and having clear and precise dictation. The problem is, that very rarely are people in an environment that quiet, and I don't know a single person that has a "perfect voice." So, does Siri work? Yeah, sure. But does it do what is expected by most people? No, probably not.