Want to save money whilst shopping? Avoid shopping in any small stores that might be crowded or shopping in larger stores when "everyone else" is also out at the store shopping. Why? When a store is crowded you won't be able to go around [bumping into people] comparing prices of similar products before you decide which of them you'll buy. Since it would be too much of a hassle, you'll hastily pick whatever you want to buy and promise yourself that you'll try to find deals next time you shop. But if you shop with the crowd all the time then the next time will always be a long way off . . . and you'd be spending more money than you should. If you can shop at a time when you know they'll be fewer people in the store.
I always try to shop during off-peak hours as there are less waiting times and you can browse more readily. Not everyone has this option if they have limited time to shop, but it is better to do so if you are able. Some stores like Lidl or Aldi do weekend specials, so if you want the cheaper bargains, you have to go when there are crowds. I usually get what I need and get out as soon as I can.
I've always preferred to shop at times when stores are quiet - as going to the stores when they are really busy generally has quite the opposite effect on me - I rarely ever buy anything. As to be perfectly honest - there is nothing I would want that much - that I'd prepared to do battle for or worth the hassle of having to fight my way through a wall of people - just to get a look at it before I bought it - especially when with a little planning - its so much easier, way more pleasant and quicker to shop at time when there are hardly any people around. That said - I'm not altogether sure that shopping when there are less people in the store - does always result in spending less money - particularly as - with the freedom to move around the store as you wish and everything available being much more visible - it can sometimes be all to easy to get side tracked ….......into buying something that you perhaps had intended to.
I definitely prefer to shop when there's not that many people. I know last time I went shopping there were a lot of people and I'm not as likely to stay and look at prices and really think about what I want to purchase. I'll either just grab it and buy it, only to probably take it back later, or I don't look much at all. I give up. I guess that is a good thing! It keeps me from spending money! But I don't think anyone likes bumping shoulders with people while they're trying to look at clothes. Plus I feel like they'll feel like I'm following them around if I want to look at the same aisle as them, haha!
I check my prices before visiting the store but it's true that I can't stand grocery shopping when the store is crowded and/or noisy. For me, the quietest times to go are around 8am or after work (around 6pm) on a weekday.
Ugh, I hate shopping in crowded places but sometimes it's inevitable. There are store sales that give huge discounts and you must fight through a crowd to shop. Even if you went early, chances are there will be a huge line waiting for you already. So yes, it's really not nice to shop in such places, but the sales there are too tempting. This usually happens in end of season sales or end of the year sales, there are quite huge selections I tell you!
Going to the mall just after it opened is the ideal time to shop since there are less people shopping. When there is a huge crowd it really ruins the shopping experience plus you waste time waiting for your turn to browse for some items since other people are in your way.