I think we all agree that that we should have a shopping list when going shopping for food, I think it's common sense. What about if we do our shopping when we are in a hurry? This might mean we would buy strictly what's in the list without having time to be tempted by other stuff that is not in the list. Do you think this might work?
I tend to write a list before I go shopping and then stick to it. I also find that if you go shopping on a full stomach then you tend to spend less money too. This is because you are less tempted by what's around you in comparison to if you were starving!
That is true, never go shopping with hungry because everything in the shelves will look better. I also make a list, but at the same time if I have too much free time on my hands I might start checking everything in detail and I end up buying things I don't need, that is why buying with little time sometimes might be better.
I can go around a store in just minutes and grab what I need and get over to the register right away. The problem is, once I get to the register, that's when I often get stuck and I'm forced to wait forever to check out. Some stores such as Target do this on purpose, because they feel it will encourage people to buy stuff on the checkout line shelves, or send someone in your group to grab a few more items while you are waiting in line. I suspect other stores, particularly grocery stores are doing this as well. This was a regular occurrence at Topp's grocery stores. There would be a line of like 15 people and they would only have one person working the registers while the other cashiers were standing over in the corner chatting. Needless to say, they are now out of business. In fact, several times I got so mad about having to wait that long at the checkout, that I just left my buggy there full of groceries and walked out. The cashier was clearly poking around with no consideration of how long of a line there was, and just slowly chit chatting with the person she was currently ringing up, like she could care less.
LOL, you're right Tom, those shelves by the cashiers are really dangerous, they have all sort of tempting products and especially if you are with kids you are bombed by requests for candies or toys. I am (almost) always strong, if I concede one the next time my kid will ask harder.
Shopping in a hurry does not work for me. It's true that I don't spend much when I have little time but I always end up with the wrong items And guess what happens when I buy the wrong items. I need to shop again and buy the right ones! So I end up paying for another set of items and spend even more time doing so. P.S - I'm taking about food hehe
Stores know exactly what they are doing, which is why once you enter you see either junk-food or toys and if you want either fruit or meat it's way in the back, so they make you walk through all the temptations to reach what you want. Then at the register it's the same thing, they know you are stuck there waiting and looking around, so they get another bunch of treats like chocolates and bubblegum there because you are bored of standing there so you think "Hey I'll get one of those".
Sometimes I stress out if I hurry too much and make no list at all (either mentally or on paper). I do usually try to go through the store rather quickly though because I want to get my shopping done and over with and I don't want to stop and pick up unwanted items.
I don't think it matters much. I never go to a store to look, or shop around. I only go to the store for specific products that i already know i want. So i do not need to make a list. I do not waste anytime. I get in, and out quickly. I have no idea why some people feel the need to look at every product in the store befor making their way to the checkout line. I hate shopping with those type of people.
LOL, so I agree that is not the best option in fact, if you mess up what you need to bring and end up having to return there my advice is, take you time... You're quite right Stryk, that is why in every single supermarket the bread and other first need items are in the back of the store, so that we need to go all the way and buy what we don't need.
I don't rely on any shopping lists anymore, but try to memorise a few things that I definitely need to buy and then just fill in the rest as I go along. You might be surprised how efficient you can be even when you are in a hurry. I stopped writing lists a long time ago. I don't worry anymore if I forget something, as it just makes me experiment more and often inspires me to create something more unusual for dinner.
Wow, that is impressive Dora, let me tell you that you are the only person that I know that does that, forgetting things and improvising is not for everyone also because there are things that cannot be replaced.