I absolutely love the shopping carts that Target has. They do not jam up when pushing them. Nice clean red colors. Even the plastics the carts are made out of are thick and sturdy. If I could I would just take one to each and every store that visited. But, I generally don’t have the money to just go and shop at Target. Typically I end up in Walmart, fighting the other disgruntled customers, waiting in long lines for someone to mis-bag our groceries. If Walmart had Target shopping carts my whole shopping experience would change. Does anyone else agree?
I have been to Target and I like the carts they have there too. I don't like when carts are hard to push. I also like how they have hand baskets when you don't want to buy a lot of things. I have so much trouble finding those types of carts at Wal-Mart. I also end up shopping there more than Target. I am closer to Wal-Mart. It's too bad though because I like the carts at Target too.
For the longest time I could not figure out why one of our local dollar stores had these tall metal poles welded to each shopping cart. They looked ridiculous and reminded me of bumper cars at an amusement park - with those poles attached to them that shot sparks out from the ceiling. Of course I found out the hard way when I tried to push one out of the store and it hit the top off the doorway, lol. I lived in a high rise apartment complex that was right behind a Target, and they had to install a fence around the store with openings just wide enough for a person to walk through, because many of the tenants in the building kept stealing their carts and keeping them for their own personal use, lol, like bringing their laundry down to the laundry rooms, or carrying in a lot of groceries from the stores nearby. Our local Giant Eagle started offering half-size carts now which I love. They are smaller carts which are just perfect for a person shopping for themselves or two people. So much easier to maneuver around than the full size carts.