I recently just got a bunch of Enfamil Newborn and Infant formula samples (fairly large ones) in the mail for free. I guess they do it to almost all expectant moms if they can get a hold of your address. However, I saw a lot of women selling the same samples on various yard saling pages on Facebook. Part of me felt like it was a good idea, but another part of me wanted to yell to the other moms, "Don't buy it, you may get one in the mail soon for free!" I wonder how many people sell the freebies that they get into the mail. Is it very common? Do you do it?
I used to receive a lot of videos and DVDs from professional wrestling promotions from all over the world back when I used to review such things in a very popular column. Once I had seen them a couple of times I would then sell them on Ebay, made a nice little side income from doing that.
I don't get enough freebies to sell them. Otherwise, I would definitely do it. There's nothing wrong with making money from something you got for free! If the money is going to help you more, then why not do it One thing that I do think is kind of rude though is if you get a birthday present for someone and then they sell it. I know that there's really nothing wrong with that and that you shouldn't be upset or anything, but it just seems kind of like an insult to the person who got it for you.
Same here. I would probably do it as well, but for some reason I would feel bad like I'm doing something wrong. But it is your property that you got for free, so I guess you're entitled to do whatever you want with them. And right, it would be kind of an insult. It would be funny if the company gave you a freebie and one of the employees looked on eBay and saw it being sold, LOL.
I would not think it is very common--I don't think there are many saleable free things. Usually it's something small like a tea bag, etc. I never thought of it but I'm not disgusted by it or anything. If someone is enterprising but not dishonest, what is the harm?
As Deansaliba says, reviewers: book reviewers, movie reviewers always get a copy of the product you're to review. What do you do with all those DVDs after you're done watching them? You sell them. Unless the freebie I get is something that I can use around the house then I definitely won't keep it. I'd sell it as soon as I got a customer.
I think people who are selling freebies they got are wrong. Most samples even say on them Not For Resale! I think they should just give them away to those who could use them if they themselves do not need it.
I hate seeing formula and other baby food sales online. In fact, I believe it is now banned from Craigslist and many Facebook deal sights, because too often, it is single moms using WIC to obtain the stuff and then reselling it at a pure profit. If I'm not mistaken, it is straight fraud. Not to mention, spitting in the face of the taxpayers funding the WIC checks in the first place, but that's another story. As far as selling the free samples you get in the mail (I actually got a bunch from my pediatrician), my thought is this: if someone wants to buy it, who cares? I know for a lot of people, $5 a can is a steal. I have tons of friends who bought formula on ebay and CL for many years and didn't care where it came from simply to get the best price. I've been blessed to be able to breastfeed both of my last two babes for the entirety of the first year, so I ended up just giving away all my samples to friends who were formula feeders. I can't bring myself to bottom feed like that, and try to make a profit off something free. Call it what you want, but I believe that we will reap what we sow (karma, whatever). My husband and I both come from families that placed honesty and integrity above everything. And we're by no means rich, but we're financially stable and basically always have been. I like to think that this isn't an accident.
I see nothing wrong with it. If the company is giving it to you, it's yours to do what you want with it. If you choose to then pass it on, or you choose to sell it, that's your right. If there is a demand and someone is willing to buy it from you, I say go for it!
I personally think it's up to you. If you were given something for free it's your choice what you do with it. Think about it from the seller perspective. How do you know that the person selling the samples they got for free isn't do it to put food in their family's mouths. The people selling these things could be using the money for good and for family and just have no other way to do it at that point in time. I've sold free samples before and used the money to help pay bills to keep a roof over my children's head. I don't find anything wrong with that at all. These are samples sent to you, it's not like someone is stealing this items and then making a profit on that, that would be wrong!
I don't think I've ever received some freebie in the mail but if I received it and I didn't need it, I'd definitely try to sell it if I didn't have a friend who could use it.
It depends. In many cases, retail markup will not cause the company to lose business and should balance the giveaways. Though items may be marked 'Not for Individual Sale', I would probably give it away. The more people that know about a quality product they like, they will buy eventually.
It all depends on what it is. If I like the freebie then I will not sell it. I have sold a lot of stuff that I won because I got two or three on them. Some times I just give it away to someone I know that needs it.