I've been sneezing all day long, which is weird because I haven't experienced seasonal allergies since high school. Is anyone else experiencing allergies lately?
Sounds like hayfever - I haven't got any allergies that I am aware of but I remember having a really bad one-off case of hayfever one day last summer. Really odd and REALLY uncomfortable. Checking pollen counts for your area can help you prepare for the worse.
I have to deal with it every years. Some years are more severe than others though. But it's a pain, my allergies last from Spring into Summer. The only time it isn't bothering me is in the Winter.
I get seasonal allergies. I actually had them really bad yesterday. I use Claritan when I feel them coming on. One pill lasts 24 hours and works really good for me. My husband prefers to use Benadryl and he has actually started to get a yearly allergy shot which helps him alot.
I have allergies, but they get worse when the Santa Ana (California) winds are strong. This year hasn't been bad. We didn't get a lot of rain this season. Last year was a completely different story. I was miserable despite the herb I take for my allergies. It rained so much. The water deficit was eliminated with only a few months of rain. The plants and weeds grew tall which is not good when you have allergies.
I live in Phoenix, so I know what you're talking about. There's been very little rain here, but lots of wind. The hot wind just blows around a bunch of dust. I think that's why my allergies were so bad the other day.
It is that time of the year. My eyes swell up and itch like crazy. I have to take pills when it gets to bad or the sneezing is to much.
Yeah, I have bad allergies too, but I don't know why. Maybe it's a change in weather my nose is stuffy. My eyes also get all itchy and red. I don't like the weather that we're having here. It changes constantly it goes from hot to cold within a day or so. When I leave the house I sneeze all the time. If this keeps up I'll have to see a doctor.
Seasonal allergies usually happen when there is a change in the climate in your region. Usually, when winter is over and the next season arrives, there is usually an influx of people at the doctor's. It's normal because most people take some time to adjust. For the young ones, it happens more frequently because their bodies are still not used to it yet. You may also want to watch out for the season where the trees release their pollen grains. You may be allergic to them and may not realise it.
I didn't get my allergies until I was in my 20's and they come and go each season. Right now I have them going pretty good. Friday at golf my eyes were bloodshot read and itchy and I had the sneezes. I hate taking pills but found my self taking more allegras this year than last year.