What's your dentist routine, do you go once or twice a year as routine or you wait until you have a problem? Do you do it to save money or just because you're afraid of going?
We've never had dental insurance except when I was working. Then, I went twice a year without fail, got my cleanings and x-rays and have never had any issues. Now that I'm paying full price and have 3 kids, I only go once a year, and I only take my children once a year. I've never had a cavity, and neither have any of my kids (so far), and to be honest, they are so young that the dentist at this point is more of a "help them not have a fear of it" thing than a real issue of keeping their mouths clean. Right now it is an expense we can afford and I do think it is important to go at least once a year. My 7yo, who has some permanent teeth, has gotten sealance (spelling?) because I think it works. It is a little bit expensive, but again, if it prevents cavities I'm all for it.
Here in my country dental insurance is something not very common, so I pay each time I go. I think it's better to go as a routine though, because if I go as an SOS sometimes I need to go 3 or 4 times to fix all of the problems and turns out more expensive.