OK, let's say you're going to ditch the gym and just create one at home. In that case, you want to know the best weights for the money and maybe also simply the cheapest and most expensive ones, so any ideas? Is there a way to make homemade ones?
I like working out at home and have some 5 pound dumbells that I use when doing my workouts-but you can use things in your pantry(like a couple of cans of beans to work out with as well). You could also get a pair of 5 pound weights at Walmart for pretty cheap to do your aerobics with-and you could purchase a gym mat as well for your exercise routine. They have lots of free workouts on youtube, you can do on there,with lots of different instructors-but check this video below with Betty Rocker for some great ideas !
We have 2 dumbbells over here, and they're pretty cheap individually, so I think that it won't cost that much if you buy your own. Making your own dumbbells just seems really weird to me.
I think it would encourage you more to use them if you just buy dumbbells or free weights which are inexpensive anyway. We have a pair at home that we've been using for the past twenty years and will likely still be good for the next two decades or so. I find it too tedious to make a decent one. We have tried making them at home, too. We poured a mixture of water, cement, and sand on two empty milk cans and attached them to a spare round bar. It'll cost you nothing if you have these stuff around. Some suggest making arm weights out of water bottles.